
cordon n.1.【筑城】(堡壘外壕的)壁頂冠石;【建筑】帶飾。2...


Then , if your view ran along the bank , from east to west , from the tournelle to the tour de nesle , there was a long cordon of houses , with carved beams , stained - glass windows , each story projecting over that beneath it , an interminable zigzag of bourgeois gables , frequently interrupted by the mouth of a street , and from time to time also by the front or angle of a huge stone mansion , planted at its ease , with courts and gardens , wings and detached buildings , amid this populace of crowded and narrow houses , like a grand gentleman among a throng of rustics 如果再縱目從東向西,從小塔向納勒塔遠望,只見長長一帶房舍,雕梁畫棟,彩色玻璃窗戶,層層疊疊,突出在石路上方;還可以看見一派市民房舍的山墻,曲曲折折,望也望不到盡頭,時常被一道街口所切斷,也不時被一幢石墻大樓的正面或側面所切割;大樓四平八穩,連同庭院和花園,廂房和主體,夾在那彼此緊挨著的狹窄民舍當中,猶如一個領主老爺夾在一大堆平民百姓中間。

Gale township party committee , the government was “ tiankeng “ pulled with a rope around a cordon to prevent the villagers around to avoid accidents , and in the village that is prohibited in the village , “ tiankeng “ operating within the radius of 40 meters , is prohibited villagers past 大風鄉黨委、政府隨即在“天坑”附近用繩子拉出了一條警戒線,防止村民靠近,避免發生安全事故,并在該村宣布,嚴禁村民在“天坑”方圓40米內作業、嚴禁村民過往。

Hilippines senator heherson alvarez was planning to carry out a reforestation and soil preservation project in rural dallaw in the cordon area of isabela province , which would incidentally create job opportunities and raise the standard of living for local residents 律賓國會議員亞爾凡瑞想要在伊莎貝拉省果爾洞地區的達拉村莊廣植樹種,以利水土保持,并幫助人民就業及改善人民的生活,所以他請求師父幫忙。

The general principles of cordon , search , access control , venue security , vip protection , media arrangements and traffic management were followed . about 1 550 police officers were directly involved in the operation 有關封鎖、搜查、通道管制、會場保安、保護要員、傳媒采訪及交通管理的措施也是根據交接儀式而安排的,約有1550名警務人員直接參與是次行動。

Police cordons have been set up around the vetter bus and all the units including the special duties unit and those which may be required to take action at the later stages of exercise bowdler are already standing by the airport 警方將被脅持的機場巴士附近范圍封鎖,而所有單位包括飛虎隊及其他可能參與往后行動的單位亦在機場候命。

Actually it is three ? the student will also receive a diploma culinaire from le cordon bleu ? this is not promoted in the prospectus , but is awarded to the student 事實上是三個,學生同時還可以獲得法國藍帶學院的廚藝餐飲大專文憑。這個在說明書中并未注明,但最后學生可獲得這個文憑。

A 200m cordon was put in place , cutting off one of london ' s major transport arteries and causing further traffic chaos , after reports of the suspicious vehicle 在報道了可疑車輛后,警方在此布置了一條200米長的警戒線,切斷了倫敦的一條主要的交通干線并引起了長時間的交通混亂。

Earlier , police widened the security cordon around the g20 summit , bundling protesters out of the new no - go zone and closing one of melbourne ' s busiest streets 在此之前,警方加寬了該峰會會場周圍的警戒區域,將抗議者驅趕到新的戒嚴區外還關停了墨爾本一條最繁華的街道。

A 200m cordon was put in place , cutting off one of london ' s major transport arteries and causing further traffic chaos , after reports of the suspicious vehicle 在接到可疑車輛的報道后,警方在此地拉了200米的封鎖線,切斷了倫敦的一條主通道并引發了接下來的交通大堵塞。

A 200m cordon was put in place , cutting off one of london ' s major transport arteries and causing further traffic chaos , after reports of the suspicious vehicle 在報告的可疑車輛后,拉起了一道200米的封鎖線,著切斷了倫敦主要交通干道之一,并進一步造成交通的混亂。

A 200m cordon was put in place , cutting off one of london ' s major transport arteries and causing further traffic chaos , after reports of the suspicious vehicle 在報道有可疑車輛后,現場圍起一條200米長的警戎線,切斷了倫敦一條主要的交通要道,造成更大的交通混亂。

Doggett : ( on phone ) well , we ' re ' round the clock here . i ' ve got local sar , a rolling ground cordon and an eye in the sky . we ' re on top of the situation 道根: (在電話中)其實,我們一直在工作。我有本地的安全分析報告,地上有哨兵,空中就飛機。我們處于最高狀態。

A 200m cordon was put in place , cutting off one of london ' s major transport arteries and causing further traffic chaos , after reports of the suspicious vehicle 當可疑車輛的報告傳來后,設置了一條200米警戒線,切斷了倫敦的主要交通干道并引起了進一步的交通混亂

A 200m cordon was put in place , cutting off one of london ' s major transport arteries and causing further traffic chaos , after reports of the suspicious vehicle 在報告說發現可疑汽車后,兩百米的警戒線拉起來,倫敦一條主要交通大道被切斷,加劇了交通混亂狀況。

A 200m cordon was put in place , cutting off one of london ' s major transport arteries and causing further traffic chaos , after reports of the suspicious vehicle 在可疑汽車被報道后,拉起了兩百米的警戒線,切斷了倫敦一條的交通要道,并加劇了交通混亂狀況。

A 200m cordon was put in place , cutting off one of london ' s major transport arteries and causing further traffic chaos , after reports of the suspicious vehicle 在報道有可疑車輛后,一條200米長的警戎線切斷了倫敦一條主要的交通要道,造成更大的交通混亂。

A 200m cordon was put in place , cutting off one of london ' s major transport arteries and causing further traffic chaos , after reports of the suspicious vehicle 在報道了可疑車輛后,拉開了200米長的警戒線有,切斷了倫敦只要干道之一引起了嚴重的交通混亂。

A 200m cordon was put in place , cutting off one of london ' s major transport arteries and causing further traffic chaos , after reports of the suspicious vehicle 在報道播出后,長達200米的警備部署起來,切斷了一條倫敦的主干線導致長時間的交通混亂。

A 200m cordon was put in place , cutting off one of london ' s major transport arteries and causing further traffic chaos , after reports of the suspicious vehicle 長達二百米的的警戒線切斷倫敦的交通主干道并在報道可疑車輛之后造成了交通混亂。