
cordoba n.科多瓦〔尼加拉瓜貨幣單位〕。


The players who took part in last night ' s birra moretti trophy at the san paolo in naples went through an intense aerobic session , while zanetti , cambiasso , burdisso , maicon , crespo , cordoba and recoba started with a warm - up , continued with tactical drills and concluded with a training game 昨晚在那不勒斯圣保羅球場參加了莫雷蒂啤酒杯的球員進行了一堂高強度的有氧訓練課,而薩內蒂、坎比亞索、布爾迪索、麥孔、克雷斯波、科爾多巴和雷科巴首先進行了熱身,隨后進行了戰術練習,最后進行了一場訓練比賽。

In the beautiful , historic city of cordoba , where many ancient churches still stand and the local community is warm and friendly , a series of three seminars were held at a vegetarian restaurant rented by a local sister initiate , who also helped us make various other arrangements 科多巴市是個美麗的歷史古城,至今仍保留著許多古色古香的教堂,居民都很友善熱情。一位當地師姊熱心地協助我們安排三天講座的各項事宜,并租借了一家素食餐廳作為講座會場。

Julio ricardo cruz is still recovering from lower back pain , while the inter medical staff have excluded any serious injury to ivan ramiro cordoba , who was substituted in the second half of the match against olympique marseille after badly bruising muscles in his left thigh 克魯斯仍然在為他后背的疼痛而煩惱,在對馬賽比賽中因為左腿肌肉嚴重撞傷而被替換下場的科爾多巴則在醫務人員的幫助下,慢慢排除嚴重傷病的可能性。

In the 13th century , under ferdinand iii , the saint , cordoba ' s great mosque was turned into a cathedral and new defensive structures , particularly the alc ? ar de los reyes cristianos and the torre fortaleza de la calahorra , were erected 公元13世紀,西班牙國王費爾南德三世時期,科爾多瓦大清真寺被改建成大教堂,一些新的防御性建筑也建了起來,特別著名的有基督教國王城堡和卡拉奧拉高塔要塞。

Buenos aires fellow initiates from buenos aires , the capital of argentina , recently conducted a number of video seminars to share master s teachings in cordoba , central argentina , and bahia blanca in the southeast 阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯的同修近日分別在中部地區的科多巴市cordoba和東南方的巴依亞布蘭卡市bahia blanca舉辦數場錄影帶講座,傳播師父的教理。

This time we were again lodged at the house of a sincere sister practicing the convenient method , and we counted on the help of other sincere brothers and sisters from cordoba to set up and conduct the seminar 這次我們再度投宿于一位誠心的修方便法師姊家中,并有柯多瓦地區熱心的師兄師姊們的幫忙。

Another good chance for inter . cordoba ' s long ball forward finds adriano . the brazilian plays short to vieri , who tries the return ball but it ' s too long and samp win possession 國際米蘭再次獲得好機會!副隊長傳找阿德,巴西人短傳給維埃里,后者試圖回做給阿德但太大了,桑普贏得控球權。

Bolatti , of argentina ' s belgrano de cordoba , is set to move to europe at the end of this season , which was confirmed by his club ' s president , armando perez yesterday 阿根廷科爾多瓦市貝爾格拉諾俱樂部的保拉迪,預定在這個賽季結束后轉會歐洲,他的俱樂部主席佩雷斯昨天也已經證實

Miss andrea evangelisti , a kind reporter for cordoba national radio , gave us a 20 - minute interview that was broadcast in more than ten provinces 柯多瓦國家電臺記者安德莉亞艾凡黑莉絲蒂小姐,為我們做了20分鐘的采訪,在十幾個省播出。

Ivan cordoba wins a duel with pinardi then brings the ball out of the nerazzurri box to neutralise a lecce attack 萊切進攻,科爾多巴在與皮納爾迪的一對一較量中勝出并將球破壞出界。

Brandao wins a duel with cordoba then falls over in the nerazzurri box and is lucky not to get booked 巴蘭多突破科爾多巴的防守后摔倒在國際米蘭的禁區,幸運的是裁判不予理會。

The first seminar took place in cordoba city , which we had visited on previous occasions 第一場講座在柯多瓦市舉行,之前我們曾到訪此地。

Inter captain cordoba handles mccarthy ' s cross from the left and porto win a free kick 麥卡錫左路傳中,副隊手球,對方贏得一個任意球。

Cordoba : “ the strength of the colombia team lies in the squad . 聯合會杯賽程排定,科爾多巴(哥倫比亞)將在明日、周五和周日出場。

Club member igor cordoba has managed to pass on his love of “ star wars “ to his son 成員伊格爾要傳遞,對“星際大戰“的愛給兒子。

Seminar at the sun and moon vegetarian restaurant in cordoba , argentina 在阿根廷柯多瓦市的日月素食餐館舉辦弘法講座。

And you , cordoba ? what do you think 你呢cordoba ?你怎么認為

So i wrote : dear pedro , the farm address , in cordoba 我寫到,親愛的佩卓,農場地址,在科多巴

And your girlfriend ' s also from cordoba 你的女朋友也是科爾多瓦的嗎?