
cordiality n.誠實;懇摯,熱誠。 hate [love] with...


Catherine had kept up her acquaintance with the lintons since her five weeks residence among them ; and as she had no temptation to show her rough side in their company , and had the sense to be ashamed of being rude where she experienced such invariable courtesy , she imposed unwittingly on the old lady and gentleman , by her ingenious cordiality ; gained the admiration of isabella , and the heart and soul of her brother : acquisitions that flattered her from the first , for she was full of ambition , and led her to adopt a double character without exactly intending to deceive anyone 既然在一起時,她不愿意表現出她那粗魯的一面,而且在那兒,她見的都是些溫文爾雅的舉止,因此,她也懂得無禮是可羞的。她乖巧而又親切地,不知不覺地騙住了老夫人和老紳士,贏得了伊莎貝拉的愛慕,還征服了她哥哥的心靈這收獲最初挺使她得意。因為她是野心勃勃的,這使她養成一種雙重性格,也不一定是有意要去欺騙什么人。

The countenance of this man , who possessed such extraordinary control over his feelings , expressed the most perfect cordiality . morrel only then recollected the letter he had received from the viscount , in which , without assigning any reason , he begged him to go to the opera , but he understood that something terrible was brooding 這個人很善于控制自己的情緒,他的臉上露出十分親熱的神情,莫雷爾到達時才想起子爵給他的那封信,那封信里并沒有說任何理由,只是要求他到劇院來,但他知道有一件可怕的事情要將發生。

Our company can offer pcb to the masses of customers and copy the board , change board , pcb design , principle picture make , bom from make , chip decipher and pcb produce , stick to scenes of processing a connected sequence . our aim : “ quality first , the customer is the highest “ we will do the best service for you with the biggest cordiality in any demand of yours , expect to cooperate , with you sincerely 我司可為廣大客戶提供pcb抄板改板pcb設計原理圖制作bom單制作芯片解密以及pcb生產貼片加工一條服務。我們的宗旨: “質量第一,客戶至上”您的任何需求我們都將以最大的熱誠為您做最好的服務,真誠期待與您合作。

As he quitted the room , elizabeth felt how improbable it was that they should ever see each other again on such terms of cordiality as had marked their several meetings in derbyshire ; and as she threw a retrospective glance over the whole of their acquaintance , so full of contradictions and varieties , sighed at the perverseness of those feelings which would now have promoted its continuance , and would formerly have rejoiced in its termination 他一走出房門,伊麗莎白就不禁想到這一次居然能和他在德比郡見面,而且好幾次見面都蒙他竭誠相待,這簡直是出人意料。她又回想了一下他們整個一段交情,真是矛盾百出,千變萬化,她以前曾經巴不得斷絕這一段交情,如今卻又希望能繼續下去,想到這種顛三倒四的地方,不由得嘆了口氣。

But as the conviction gained ground among them that the man in the white hat was doing no harm , and either sat quietly on the slope of the earthwork , or , making way with a shy and courteous smile for the soldiers to pass , walked about the battery under fire as calmly as though he were strolling on a boulevard , their feeling of suspicious ill - will began to give way to a playful and kindly cordiality akin to the feeling soldiers always have for the dogs , cocks , goats , and other animals who share the fortunes of the regiment 但是當大家都相信這個戴白帽子的人不僅不會做什么壞事,而且他或者會安安靜靜地坐在土堤的斜坡上,或者會帶著怯生生的微笑彬彬有禮地給士兵們讓路,在炮壘里像在林蔭道上似的安閑地在彈雨中散步,這時,對他的敵意的懷疑漸漸變為親熱和調笑的同情,正像士兵們對他們的小狗公雞山羊,總之,是對生活在軍隊里的動物的同情一樣。

He had not kept his promise of treating me like his sisters ; he continually made little , chilling differences between us , which did not at all tend to the development of cordiality : in short , now that i was acknowledged his kinswoman , and lived under the same roof with him , i felt the distance between us to be far greater than when he had known me only as the village schoolmistress 他并沒有信守諾言,對我以妹妹相待,而是不斷地顯出那種小小的令人寒心的區別,絲毫沒有要慢慢親熱起來的意思。總之,自從我被認作他的親人,并同住一屋后,我覺得我們間的距離,遠比當初我不過是鄉村女教師時大得多。

They shook hands with great cordiality ; and then , till her sister came down , she had to listen to all he had to say of his own happiness , and of jane s perfections ; and in spite of his being a lover , elizabeth really believed all his expectations of felicity to be rationally founded , because they had for basis the excellent understanding , and super - excellent disposition of jane , and a general similarity of feeling and taste between her and himself 兩人親切地握了握手。她只聽得他講他自己的幸福,講吉英的十全十美,一直講到吉英下樓為止。雖然這些話是出于一個情人之口,可是她深信他那幸福的愿望一定可以實現,因為吉英絕頂聰明,脾氣更是好得不能再好,這便是幸福的基礎,而且他們彼此的性格和趣味也十分相近。

I never seemed in his way ; he did not take fits of chilling hauteur : when he met me unexpectedly , the encounter seemed welcome ; he had always a word and sometimes a smile for me : when summoned by formal invitation to his presence , i was honoured by a cordiality of reception that made me feel i really possessed the power to amuse him , and that these evening conferences were sought as much for his pleasure as for my benefit 有時他同我不期而遇,對這樣的碰面,他似乎也很歡迎,總是有一兩句話要說,有時還對我笑笑。我被正式邀請去見他時,很榮幸地受到了熱情接待,因而覺得自己確實具有為他解悶的能力。晚上的會見既是為了我,也是為了他的愉快。

I know that had i been a sanguine , brilliant , careless , exacting , handsome , romping child - though equally dependent and friendless - mrs . reed would have endured my presence more complacently ; her children would have entertained for me more of the cordiality of fellow - feeling ; the servants would have been less prone to make me the scapegoat of the nursery 我明白,如果我是一個聰明開朗漂亮頑皮不好侍候的孩子,即使同樣是寄人籬下,同樣是無親無故,里德太太也會對我的處境更加寬容忍讓她的孩子們也會對我親切熱情些傭人們也不會一再把我當作保育室的替罪羊了。

As he was to begin his journey too early on the morrow to see any of the family , the ceremony of leave - taking was performed when the ladies moved for the night ; and mrs . bennet , with great politeness and cordiality , said how happy they should be to see him at longbourn again , whenever his other engagements might allow him to visit them 他明天一大早就要啟程,來不及向大家辭行,所以當夜太太小姐們就寢的時候,大家便相互話別班納特太太極其誠懇極有禮貌地說,以后他要是有便再來浪博恩,上她們那兒去玩玩,那真叫她們太高興了。

At the end of the celebration , there was a funny surprise . a brother initiate appeared in a very peculiar dog costume to distribute gifts to everyone present , offering a touch of humor , warmth , and cordiality to the occasion , which then drew to a happy conclusion 當天壓軸的節目是:一位穿著狗狗裝的師兄意外地出現,并分送禮物給在場每個人,這個驚喜逗趣的安排,讓來賓們感受到同修幽默親切與熱誠的一面。

The second chapter embarks from the dominant field of read - write aspect , penetrates into the students “ intrinsic aspect of knowledge and cordiality , explores how to carry out the operation inside and outside the stratification plane , thus realizes the humanities 第二章從讀寫教學領域出發,進而深入到學生的知情意這一內在方面,探索如何在內外這個層面進行操作,從而實現人文化。

The company adheres to the management ideal of management on cordiality and credit standing , market on quality , credit on service , development relying on innovation . provide the top - grade production for the customer with the satisfied service 公司遵循“以誠信求經營,以質量求市場,以服務求信譽,以創新求發展”的經營理念,為顧客提供一流的產品和滿意的服務。

Cried the countess , extending her hand to him with all the warmth and cordiality of an old acquaintance ; “ it was really very good of you to recognize me so quickly , and still more so to bestow your first visit on me . 您來啦,閣下, ”伯爵夫人大聲說道,并極其親熱地把手伸給了他,象老朋友似的, “您這樣快就認出了我真是太好啦,尤其是您竟先來看我。 ”

All elizabeth s anger against him had been long done away ; but , had she still felt any , it could hardly have stood its ground against the unaffected cordiality with which he expressed himself on seeing her again 伊麗莎白本來已經對他心平氣和,縱使余怒未消,只要看他這次來訪,情懇意切,喜慶重逢,這般情景便使得她有氣也變成無氣了。

The image of a piece of design work can be defined as the union of subjective cordiality and objective physicality through an analysis of the differences between image and representation 摘要對意象和表象的區別分析,可以得出明確的平面設計意象概念界定,即意象是主觀情意和客觀物象的結合。

With hospitable dignity and cordiality in her eyes and in every gesture , she looked round at the guests , and with a genial smile bowed to them respectfully 她的目光和每個步態都流露著誘人的魅力,彬彬有禮和殷勤好客的熱情,她環視客人,含著溫和的微笑,畢恭畢敬地向他們鞠躬行禮。

Walk him up and down , my dear fellow , he said , with that gay and brotherly cordiality with which good - hearted young people behave to every one , when they are happy 他說道,一面流露著親切的愉快而溫和的神態,凡是善良的年輕人在那幸福的時候都會帶著這種神態和人們打交道的。

True - blue , gentlemanly , veteran gentleman who succeeded in his business with kind temper treating the girls well . i could accept you only by your patience and your cordiality 真誠、陽剛、閱歷豐富、事業成功的男性;舉止溫文爾雅、善待女孩。唯有你的耐心和誠摯才能打動我!