
cordial adj.1.親切的,懇摯的,熱誠的。2.提神的,強心的。...


The report they sent him read as follows : to king darius : cordial greetings 7本上寫著說,愿大利烏王諸事平安。

The oil of essence of peppermint is used to produce what cordial 薄荷的精油用來生產了一種甜酒,它叫什么名字?

Coffee is a cordial drink 咖啡是有興奮作用的飲料。

His friends gave him a cordial hug 他的朋友熱誠擁抱他。

Wine including alcoholic cordials 酒包括含酒精的加香甜酒

Duyichu s homemade sour plum cordial 都一處特制的酸梅湯。

I enjoy cordial fellowship with people 我喜歡與人真誠交往

I would also like to express my cordial thanks to the organizers 在此我想對主辦單位表示衷心感謝。

Please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help 請接受我誠摯的謝意,感謝您適時的幫助。

Cordial friendship has a supreme taste 誠摯的友誼,味道絕佳。

The hostess gave us a cordial greeting 女主人熱忱地歡迎我們。

Cockerell : well , let ' s have a cordial after the show , eh 那么,演出結束后我們喝一杯去,怎么樣?

They separated in the most cordial manner 他們非常熱情地分了手。

Mom , you ' re always very cordial to me when i lived here 媽,當我在這里時你總是這么疼我( ? )

A sweet cordial flavored with fruit kernels or almonds 果味甜酒一種有果仁味道或杏仁味的甜酒

Development of opuntia - grape compound health fruit cordial 仙人掌葡萄復合型保健果露酒的研制

His friends gave him a cordial welcome 他的朋友對他表示熱誠的歡迎。

Please accept my cordial and humblest apologies for . . . once more 請再次接受我誠懇的道歉。

He was deeply moved by the cordial words of he teachers 他被老師誠懇的話語深深地打動了。