
cordate adj.【植物;植物學】心臟形的。


Leaves tufted ; stipes 15 - 30 cm long , densely scaly at base , glabrous above ; sterile lamina about 60 cm long and 20 cm wide , simply pinnate ; pinnae numerous , alternate or subopposite , linear - lanceolate , the largest about 12 cm long and 1 cm wide , base cordate , apex acuminate , margin finely toothed ; veins close , forking once or twice and forming areoles near the midrib ; fertile lamina similar to sterile ones , but somewhat reduced , about 8 cm long and 0 . 4 cm wide , lower surface almost entirely covered with sporangia 葉簇生;葉柄長15 - 30厘米,基部密被鱗片,向上近光滑;不育葉片長約60厘米,寬20厘米,一回羽狀;羽片多數,互生或近對生,線狀披針形,最長者長達12厘米,寬約1厘米,頂端長漸尖,基部心形,邊緣有細密鋸齒;葉脈1 - 2次分叉,近中脈形成網眼;能育葉與不育葉相似,但較小,長約8厘米,寬約0 . 4厘米,下部滿布孢子囊。

Leaves leathery , ovate or elliptic , 7 - 12 cm long , 3 . 5 - 5 cm wide , apex short acute , base rounded or cordate , upper surface green , glossy , lateral veins 6 - 8 pairs , impressed adaxially and prominent abaxially 葉革質,卵形或橢圓形,長7 - 12厘米,寬3 . 5 - 5厘米,先端短急尖,基部圓形或心形,上面亮綠色,側脈6 - 8對,在上面凹陷,在下面突起。

There were many aquatic plants have the potential utilization in water garden , such as lythrum salicaria , scirpus validus cv . zebrinus , alisma plantago - aquatica , houttuynia cordate , vallisneria natans , et al 除了目前常用的種類外,千屈菜、花葉水蔥、澤瀉、魚腥草、苦草等水生植物均具有較大的應用前景。

I wish to be a soft handkerchief so as to wipe the sweat and dust from my teacher ; i also wish to be a bouquet of cordate telosma so as to accompany my teacher at night 我愿是一塊輕柔的紗巾,為老師擦去汁水和灰塵;我愿是一束夜來香,和星星一起陪伴在老師身旁。