
cord n.1.繩子,索子;弦;【電學】軟線,塞繩。2.〔常 p...

cord adjuster

Braided linen lacing cord for aerospace purposes 航天航空用編織的亞麻花邊線繩

Testing method of detonating cord for oil and gas well 油氣井用導爆索檢測方法

Sockets , connecting sleeve for telecommunication cords 通信軟線用連接套管插座

At three , he was nearly strangled by a curtain cord 三歲時他差點被窗簾繩勒死

Unplug all cords , then hurry to an underground area 熄滅所有的燈,然后到地下室去

Copper conductor pvc - insulated twisted flexible cord 銅芯聚氯乙烯絕緣絞型軟線

Spools ; for the delivery of flexible cords , dimensions 繞線架.供軟線用繞線架.尺寸

I leaped on the curtain cord and pulled it savagely 我跳到窗簾繩跟前,使勁一拉。

Different expression of ttll1 in spinal cord of mice 1在小鼠脊髓中表達差異的研究

Diagnosis and treatment of tethered cord syndrome 脊髓栓系綜合征的診斷和治療體會

Coarse corded pottery fu with incised wavy - line pattern 刻劃波浪紋繩紋夾砂陶釜

A cord or braid worn as a fastening or an ornament 飾帶用于固定或裝飾的帶或編帶

Don ' t speak . you don ' t wanna damage your vocal cords 別說話,那樣會傷了你的聲帶

He had , moreover , sandals bound on his feet by cords 他的腳上還綁著一雙草鞋。

Identification of cores in cables and flexible cords 電纜和柔性軟線中芯線的識別

Can we hear differences between ac power cords 我們能聽出來不同電源線的區別么?

She told him to tie off the cord with a shoelace 她告訴杰瑞用鞋帶把臍帶打成結。

. . . might have activated both sets of vocal cords . . …有可能同時使用了兩個聲帶…

Nerve regeneration after spinal cord injury review 脊髓損傷后神經修復的研究進展