
corbeil n.【建筑】花籃飾;【筑城】小堡籃。


You go to stadium , small football team member , corbeil ball team member is gallopping disease runs ; you have a look to museum , student show intended for a limited audience was become simply over there , a flock of a flock of pupil , cherish esteeming mood to enter artistic hall , below the guiding of teacher and museum announcer , pie - eyed the world that goes discovering the true 你到體育場走一走,小足球隊員,小籃球隊員在飛奔疾跑;你到博物館看一看,那里簡直成了學生專場,一群一群小學生,懷著崇敬的心情步入藝術殿堂,在教師和博物館講解員的引導下,睜大眼睛去發現真善美的世界。