
coralline adj.珊瑚的;珊瑚狀的;珊瑚色的;生產珊瑚的。n.【動...

coralline crag

Thc island has so pcculiar and various gcologic landforms , cxccllcnt locality , comfortablc climale , clash air , charming sunshine and sand bank , sequestered environmenl , various modem coralline , abundant sea resources and beautiful lisland sceneries that it ' s not onlyan ideal place for sightseeing , traveling and leisure vocation , , but alsoa science researching , educating and surveying base for lots of subjecls such as volcanic geology , geomorpny , marine biology and environmental eclogy 島上獨特多樣的地質、地貌景觀,優越的地理位置,宜人的氣候,清新的空氣,迷人的陽光、沙灘,幽靜的環境,種類繁多的現代珊瑚及豐富的海洋資源,美麗的海島風光,不僅是觀光、旅游、休閑渡假的理想場所,也是火山地質學、地貌學、海洋生物學、環境生態學等多種學科的科研、教學、考察基地。

The hypogeum is an enormous subterranean structure excavated c . 2500 b . c . , using cyclopean rigging to lift huge blocks of coralline limestone 哈爾?薩夫列尼地下宮殿是一個巨大的地下建筑,建于約公元前2 , 500年,是利用大型的傳動索運輸巨石和珊瑚石灰石建成。

In conclusion , it appears that with a delicate , experienced surgical technique , coralline hydroxyapatite will be a good ocular implant with excellent cosmetic results 我們認為,在良好的手術技巧下,珊瑚球植入物會是個具有良好美觀效果的眼窩植入物。

Repair of canine segmental mandibular defects using autogenous bone marrow stromal cells and coralline hydroxyapatite 珊瑚羥基磷灰石修復下頜骨節段缺損的實驗研究