
coral n.1.珊瑚;珊瑚蟲;珊瑚工藝品,珊瑚玩具。2.珊瑚色。...

coral polyp

Coral , honey , these are our kids we ' re talking about 珊珊,親愛的,我們在說我們的孩子們

There is a coral head exactly 40 feet below us 我們下面40尺有各珊瑚礁

But some of the corals died off after a few months 但有些珊瑚一、兩個月之后就相繼死去。

Don t eat large coral reef fish very often 減少進食大型珊瑚魚的次數;

But some of the corals died off after a few months 但有些珊瑚短短幾個月之后就相繼死去。

Coral reefs are found in warm , shallow , clean water 珊瑚礁通常在溫暖干凈的淺水中形成。

Research on raman spectra of natural and dyed red corals 天然及染色紅珊瑚的拉曼光譜研究

Duskytail grouper , longtooth grouper , coral grouper , . . . 泥婆泥娑杉.

You can still find those little coral formation 你還可以找到那些小珊瑚礁

Business twin room red coral hotel reservation 商務雙人房,紅珊瑚酒店預訂

Protect corals at ung kong bay , bluff island , hong kong 保護缸灣的珊瑚,請勿隨處拋錨

A carved coral glass snuff bottle modern times 雕鼻煙壺近代雕鼻煙壺清

Specification for computer programming language coral 66 計算機程序設計語言coral66規范

Closure of coral beach in hoi ha wan marine park 關閉海下灣海岸公園珊瑚灘

Coral needs certain conditions in order to live 珊瑚需要一定的生存條件。

Coral is not usually ground or cut on a wheel 孔。珊瑚是很少切割成如同其他寶石的。

The lumps were cemented to the reef with coral 一塊塊的石頭被鞏固在珊瑚礁的礁巖上。

Deluxe standard room red coral hotel reservation 豪華標準房,紅珊瑚酒店預訂

We don ' t have the coral in an eight and a half 我們沒有八點五碼的珊瑚紅的