
coracle n.(用柳條扎成骨架并覆以防水布的)柳條艇。


The ebb had already run some time , and i had to wade through a long belt of swampy sand , where i sank several times above the ankle , before i came to the edge of the retreating water , and wading a little way in , with some strength and dexterity , set my coracle , keel downwards , on the surface 落潮已有一段時間了,我必須跋涉一段很長的沙灘有好幾次我的腳陷進了泥沙中,才走到了正在退下去的水邊。在水中趟了幾步后,我稍稍用力就麻利地把小船平放在水面上。

Once i shipped a sea so heavy that i had to stop and bale , with my heart fluttering like a bird ; but gradually i got into the way of the thing , and guided my coracle among the waves , with only now and then a blow upon her bows and a dash of foam in my face 有一次一個大浪沖過來使小艇積了許多水,使我不得不停下來,心里焦急得像揣著小兔子似地往外舀水。但我已逐漸習慣了,能夠劃著小艇在波浪中上下滑行,只是偶爾有點水從船頭潑過來,濺起一股飛沫噴在我臉上。

I was just thinking how busy drink and the devil were at that very moment in the cabin of the hispaniola , where i was surprised by a sudden lurch of the coracle . at the same moment she yawed sharply and seemed to change her course . the speed in the meantime had strangely increased 我正思量著,酒和魔鬼在這伊斯班裊拉號的船艙里想必正忙得不可開交,不曾想小艇突然一斜來了個急轉彎,好像要改變航向,而這時我又突然感到小艇奇怪地加速了。

Now and again , too , there would come a cloud of light sprays over the bulwark , and a heavy blow of the ship s bows against the swell : so much heavier weather was made of it by this great rigged ship than by my homemade , lop - sided coracle , now gone to the bottom of the sea 不時有陣陣浪花飛過舷墻,船頭和波浪重重地撞擊著。總之,這艘裝備良好的大船竟然比不過我那只已沉入海底的簡陋的小船穩當。因為大船晃得實在太厲害了。

With one hand i caught the jib - boom , while my foot was lodged between the stay and the brace ; and as i still clung there panting , a dull blow told me that the schooner had charged down upon and struck the coracle , and that i was left without retreat on the hispaniola 我一只手攀住三角帆,一只腳夾在繩索和轉帆索的縫隙中。就在我提心吊膽懸在那里的時候,一下不易被察覺的撞擊提醒我:大船已把小艇撞沉了。

Often , as i still lay at the bottom , and kept no more than an eye above the gunwale , i would see a big blue summit heaving close above me ; yet the coracle would but bounce a little , dance as if on springs , and subside on the other side into the trough as lightly as a bird 我躺在船底,睜開一只眼睛從船邊向上望去,常常看到一個藍色巨浪聳立在我的頭頂,小艇縱身一躍滑向浪渦處,像裝上了彈簧一般。

The current had turned at right angles , sweeping round along with it the tall schooner and the little dancing coracle ; ever quickening , ever bubbling higher , ever muttering louder , it went spinning through the narrows for the open sea 潮水已轉向右邊,把高高的大船和我那不斷顛簸的小艇一并帶走。水流愈來愈急,浪花愈濺愈高,潮聲愈來愈響。潮水一路旋轉著沖向那個狹小的口子向寬闊的海洋退去。

I had not then seen a coracle , such as the ancient britons made , but i have seen one since , and i can give you no fairer idea of ben gunn s boat than by saying it was like the first and the worst coracle ever made by man 我從來沒有見過這樣的一支漁船,好像是我們的祖先不列顛人制造出來的,但我的確看到了本葛恩的這條船。它讓我難以形容,只能說這是我頭一次看到的手工制作的最糟糕的一條船。

Striking , as we did , pretty near north - west across the island , we drew , on the one hand ever nearer under the shoulders of the spy - glass , and on the other , looked ever wider over that western bay where i had once tossed and trembled in the coracle 我們這樣朝西北方向橫貫全島,一方面愈來愈靠近望遠鏡山的肩膀,另一方面也愈來愈看清楚了不久前我坐著顛簸的小艇經過的西海灣。

The coracle - as i had ample reason to know before i was done with her - was a very safe boat for a person of my height and weight , both buoyant and clever in a seaway ; but she was the most cross - grained lop - sided craft to manage 那只小艇對于我這樣體重和身高的人來說,非常安全。我有充分的體會,直到不再用它為止。小艇既輕便又靈巧,但劃起來又很別扭,好向一邊偏。

Gradually weariness grew upon me ; a numbness , an occasional stupor , fell upon my mind even in the midst of my terrors ; until sleep at last supervened , and in my sea - tossed coracle i lay and dreamed of home and the old admiral benbow 漸漸地,疲倦使我在驚恐萬狀的情況下打起盹來,最后終于睡著了。我躺在驚濤駭浪中的一葉小舟里,夢見了家鄉和我的“本葆海軍上將”老店。

First , moving with all care , i gradually baled out the coracle with my sea - cap ; then getting my eye once more above the gunwale , i set myself to study how it was she managed to slip so quietly through the rollers 我先是小心翼翼地用水手帽舀出小艇內的水,然后再一次從船邊向上望,看看它何以能夠在海浪中如此平穩地滑行。

The coracle , left to herself , turning from side to side , threaded , so to speak , her way through these lower parts , and avoided the steep slopes and higher , toppling summits of the wave 小艇從一個浪頭滑向另一個浪頭時專挑低回的地方,避開浪峰和波尖,這樣才會轉過來扭過去穿梭自如。

I was drenched and terrified , and fell instantly back into my old position , whereupon the coracle seemed to find her head again , and led me as softly as before among the billows 我渾身濕透,驚恐萬分,急忙躺回老地方,小艇似乎又恢復常態,帶著我在海浪中溫柔地前行,像先前一樣。

I wrought like a fiend , for i expected every moment to be swamped ; and since i found i could not push the coracle directly off , i now shoved straight astern 我發現我無論怎樣也不能把小艇從大船身邊劃開,就手撐著大船把小艇劃向大船尾部,這才逃離了險境。

And when , at last , i shouldered the coracle , and groped my way stumblingly out of the hollow where i had supped , there were but two points visible on the whole anchorage 終于我扛起那支小艇,跌跌撞撞地離開了我吃晚飯的回地,整個錨地只能看見兩點光亮。

The breeze had but little action on the coracle , and i was almost instantly swept against the bows of the hispaniola 小艇只稍稍被風推了一下,我幾乎一下子對準伊斯班裊拉號的船頭撞去。

But even a small change in the disposition of the weight will produce violent changes in the behaviour of a coracle 但只要重心稍有變動,對小船的航行就會產生嚴重的影響。

But the great advantage of the coracle it certainly possessed , for it was exceedingly light and portable 但是這條小船有它本身的最大的優點,它輕巧方便。