
cora n.科拉〔女子名〕。


In latter part of chapter three , some exciting properties of the revised lagrangian function discussed first , which leads to form a dual algorithm of cora or cot . convergence theorem proved by banach perturbation theorem , bertsekas implicit function theorem ii and by analyzing hesse matrix of revised largrangian function 另一類是構造相應的lagrange函數及其一種對偶算法的迭代格式,討論了修正lagrange函數的性質,并借助banach擾動定理及bertsekas第h隱函數定理,及對修正lagrange函數hesse陣分析,證明了該算法的收斂性

The charismatic and talented musician gets a chance at a comeback when reigning diva cora corman invites him to write and record a duet with her , but there s a problem - alex hasn t written a song in years , he s never written lyrics , and he has to come up with a hit in a matter of days . enter sophie fisher drew barrymore , alex s beguilingly quirky plant lady , whose flair for words strikes a chord with the struggling songwriter 久未作曲的艾力歡喜若狂。但問題是,他對作詞從來沒有把握。在苦無靈感之際,他遇上來為他種花灑水的女郎蘇菲,蘇菲獨具作詞的天賦,令艾力驚為天人,艾力極力懇請她為他作詞,蘇菲不情愿地與他合組成短期創作拍擋,一個彈,一個作,實行戀歌敲鋼琴。

Researches involved in this study are derived from reviewing and summarizing the history of well trajectory for non - straight wells . 2 . chapter two presents an optimized model named cora with multi - constraints based on analyzing and reviewing some conventional methods been used in petroleum industry nowadays 第一章簡要介紹了非直井跡最優控制理論的工程背景,給出了文中將要用到參數的工程含義,回顧與總結了70年間非直井跡技術的發展概況。

Provera shanghai representative office was created in 1999 to help our head office in france to make sourcing for our supermarkets in europe ( cora and match ) and improve relations between suppliers and us 百瑞嘉上海代表處成立于1999年,從事歐洲超市( cora和match )的商品采購,其主要業務是協助法國總部尋找供貨來源及改善與供應商關系。

“ that such would be your answer , i well knew ! “ exclaimed cora , her cheeks flushing and her dark eyes once more sparkling with the lingering emotions of a woman “你的回答一定會是這樣的,我早就料到了! ”科拉大聲說道,她的頰上泛起了紅暈,黑眼睛里又閃爍出女性纏綿的柔情。

His mother is a reading specialist at cora services , a nonprofit organization involved in remedial reading and math at philadelphia area parochial schools 母親在一家非營利性從事對費城地區教會學校閱讀和數學計算有困難的學生進行治療的cora服務機構當閱讀師。

Cora clinger ' s coolers were cool , but carla clinger ' s coolers were clearly the coolest coolers 科拉.克林杰的冰箱十分涼爽,但是卡拉.克林杰的冰箱卻毫無疑問地是最涼爽的冰箱。

Cora munro : they ' re going to hang you . why didn ' t you leave when you had the chance 他們要絞死你。你為什么有機會的時候不逃跑?

“ we have but little occasion to be alarmed , “ continued the undisturbed cora “我們用不著驚慌失措了, ”鎮靜自若的科拉接著說。

They murdered cora 他們殺了科拉

Cora : i kept my distance 我刻意保持距離

Cora : and that ' s where he was 而他當時就在那里

Ruth where are we , cora 我們現在在哪兒啊,科拉?

Ruth ) where are we , cora 我們現在在哪兒啊,科拉?

( ruth ) where are we , cora 我們現在在哪兒啊,科拉?

Cora : and that ' s where he was . . 而他當時就在那里. .

I will . night , cora . - night 我會的,晚安,科拉-晚安

Don ' t think of it as naked , cora . it ' s not naked . it ' s nude 科拉,別把它想成是?體這不是?體,是?照

( cora ) you going to say “ don ' t do anything i wouldn ' t do “ 你是不是打算說“不要做我不愿意做的事“ ?