
coquettish adj.賣弄風情的,賣俏的;輕佻的;妖嬈的。adv.-l...


E was reclining upon soft downy cushions , covered with blue satin spotted with silver ; her head , supported by one of her exquisitely moulded arms , rested on the divan immediately behind her , while the other was employed in adjusting to her lips the coral tube of a rich narghile , through whose flexible pipe she drew the smoke fragrant by its passage through perfumed water . her attitude , though perfectly natural for an eastern woman would , in a european , have been deemed too full of coquettish straining after effect 那是一間類似婦女休息室的房間,圓形的,天花板由玫瑰色的玻璃嵌成,燈光由天花板上下來,她這時正斜靠在帶銀點兒的藍綢椅墊上,頭枕著身后的椅背,一只手托著頭,另外那只優美的手臂則扶著一支含在嘴里的長煙筒,這支長煙筒極其名貴,煙管是珊瑚做的,從這支富于彈性的煙管里,升起了一片充滿最美妙的花香的煙霧。

She thought of the long salons fatted up with ancient silk , of the delicate furniture carrying priceless curiosities , and of the coquettish perfumed boudoirs made for talks at five o ' clock with intimate friends , with men famous and sought after , whom all women envy and whose attention they all desire 她會想到四壁蒙著古老絲綢的大客廳,上面陳設著珍貴古玩的精致家具和那些精致小巧、香氣撲鼻的內客廳,那是專為午后五點鐘跟最親密的男友娓娓清談的地方,那些朋友當然都是所有的婦人垂涎不已、渴盼青睞、多方拉攏的知名之士。

Teresa was lively and gay , but coquettish to excess . the two piastres that luigi received every month from the count of san - felice s steward , and the price of all the little carvings in wood he sold at rome , were expended in ear - rings , necklaces , and gold hairpins . so that , thanks to her friend s generosity , teresa was the most beautiful and the best - attired peasant near rome 羅吉每月從圣德里斯伯爵的管家那兒得來的兩個畢阿士特和他的木刻小玩意兒在羅馬賣得的錢,都花在買耳環呀,項鏈呀和金發夾呀等等東西上去了,正是靠了她朋友的慷慨,德麗莎才成了羅馬附近最美麗和打扮得最漂亮的農家女。

The youth , highly flattered , moved with a coquettish smile nearer her , and entered into a conversation apart with the smiling julie , entirely unaware that his unconscious smile had dealt a jealous stab to the heart of sonya , who was flushing crimson and assuming a forced smile . in the middle of his talk with julie he glanced round at her 年輕人因受奉承而深感榮幸,臉上呈露出風華正茂之時的輕浮的微笑,他坐得離她更近了,他和那笑容可掬的朱莉單獨地閑聊起來,根本沒發覺他這情不自禁的微笑竟像一柄醋意的尖刀戳進那面紅耳赤佯裝微笑的索尼婭的心窩。

Certainly , in the eyes of an artist , the exact and strict costume of teresa had a very different character from that of carmela and her companions ; and teresa was frivolous and coquettish , and thus the embroidery and muslins , the cashmere waist - girdles , all dazzled her , and the reflection of sapphires and diamonds almost turned her giddy brain 當然羅,在藝術家的眼里,德麗莎那種古板嚴謹的服裝,與卡美拉和她同伴的比較起來,的確風格很不相同。但德麗莎原是生性輕佻而好賣弄風騷的,所以那些刺繡呀,花紗呀,克什米爾呢子的腰帶呀什么的,都使她目迷心醉,而那藍寶石和金剛鉆的反光幾乎使她的腦子暈眩起來。

Said his wife , addressing her husband in exactly the same coquettish tone in which she spoke to outsiders , the vicomte has just told us such a story about mlle . georges and bonaparte ! prince andrey scowled and turned away “ andve , ”他的妻子說道,她對丈夫說話和對旁人說話都用同樣嬌媚的腔調, “子爵給我們講了一則關于名叫喬治的小姐和波拿巴的故事,多么動聽啊! ”

Time is a living railroad train , on the way that professional making lets your mood walk rhrough the half ages of qin han dynasty leads tang song ' s poem phrase , strutting about to get only in the time - space of the future coquettish 時間是生活的列車,在行使的途中讓你的心情走過秦漢的時代,翔過唐宋的詩詞,昂首闊步在未來時空中獨領風騷。

Doubtless one of the charming females albert had detected beneath their coquettish disguise was touched by his gallantry ; for , as the carriage of the two friends passed her , she threw a bunch of violets 他立刻站起來,把馬車里剩下的花球都拋了過去。漂亮女人這是阿爾貝從她們風騷的化裝上推測出來的中的一個無疑地被他的殷勤獻媚所打動了。

At the home of the stevens family , where he was kindly received , he instructed colette , the coquettish daughter , and the younger , gentler grazia , her cousin 他在史丹芬家受到了很好的接待,他們那個賣弄風情的女兒高蘭德和她那比較年輕、比較溫柔的表妹葛拉齊亞是他的學生。

He felt that , influenced by her ambitions and coquettish disposition , teresa might escape him . “ the young peasant girl , at first timid and scared , soon recovered herself 羅吉吃醋啦,他覺得,在她的野心和那種愛出風頭的天性的影響下,德麗莎或許會拋棄他的。

Mademoiselle bourienne was just the same self - satisfied , coquettish girl , enjoying every moment of her life , and filled with the most joyous hopes for the future 布里安小姐還是個盡情享受她的生命的每一瞬息的喜形于色的洋洋自得的賣弄風騷的女郎。

Natasha , with a gay and coquettish smile , talked to him and congratulated him on his approaching marriagethe very boris she had once been in love with 娜塔莎臉上流露著歡喜的嬌媚的笑意和他談話,并且恭賀她從前熱戀過的那個鮑里斯的新婚之喜。

Her smile is sweetly natural , she is coquettish and she speaks terrific english , so stand by for sharapova mania , the annual tabloid feast and leer 她有著自然的甜美笑容,很有魅力,英文相當好,堪稱是莎娃狂熱,更是小報獵?的目標。

Luigi was jealous ! he felt that , influenced by her ambitions and coquettish disposition , teresa might escape him 羅吉吃醋啦,他覺得,在她的野心和那種愛出風頭的天性的影響下,德麗莎或許會拋棄他的。

“ because you talk in a coquettish manner just like a little girl . it must have come under someone ' s influence . 鴻漸道: “因為你說話全是小妞兒撒嬌的作風,準是受了什么人的熏陶。 ”

Donald duck s object of affection , daisy is a cute and coquettish girl with long , glamorous eyelashes and good fashion sense 苗條嬌艷擁有一雙長睫毛的黛絲是唐老鴨永遠的情人。

The woman of a height with coquettish slim physique wanders up and down uneasily nearby 一個身量苗條體格風騷的女人在旁邊不安地徘徊著。

And her coquettish features make a deep impression on people ' s minds 她在《大唐歌飛》中扮演楊貴妃,其千嬌百媚的姿態使人難忘。

Oh , yes ! she was a coquettish creature 是的,她是非常愛俏的。