
coquette n.1.(輕佻的)賣弄風情的女子。2.蜂鳥。vi.=co...


I rather think his appearance there was distasteful to catherine : she was not artful , never played the coquette , and had evidently an objection to her two friends meeting at all ; for when heathcliff expressed contempt of linton in his presence , she could not half coincide , as she did in his absence ; and when linton evinced disgust and antipathy to heathcliff , she dared not treat his sentiments with indifference , as if depreciation of her playmate were of scarcely any consequence to her 我簡直認為他的光臨挺讓凱瑟琳討厭她不耍手段,從來也不賣弄風情,顯然極力反對她這兩個朋友見面。因為當希刺克厲夫當著林敦的面表示出輕蔑時,她可不像在林敦不在場時那樣附和他而當林敦對希刺克厲夫表示厭惡,無法相容的時候,她又不敢冷漠地對待他的感情,好像是人家看輕她的伙伴和她沒任何關系似的。

The gaoler standing at his side , and the other gaolers moving about , who would have been well enough as to appearance in the ordinary exercise of their functions , looked so extravagantly coarse contrasted with sorrowing mothers and blooming daughters who were there with the apparitions of the coquette , the young beauty , and the mature woman delicately bred - that the inversion of all experience and likelihood which the scene of shadows presented , was heightened to its utmost 站在他身邊的典獄長和行動著的看守在一般執行任務時雖也看得過去,但跟這些悲傷的母親和妙的女兒一對比,跟芳姿綽約的佳麗年輕的少婦和受過優秀教養的成熟的婦女等人的幽靈一對比,便顯得異常粗鄙。在他一切的經歷之中,這個充滿幽暗身影的場面使他的滄桑之感達到了極點。

Gazing upon those features with a world of tenderness , ah , monsieur , he said , had you but beheld her as i did with these eyes at that affecting instant with her dainty tucker and her new coquette cap a gift for her feast day as she told me in such an artless disorder , of so melting a tenderness , pon my conscience , even you , monsieur , had been impelled by generous nature to deliver yourself wholly into the hands of such an enemy or to quit the field for ever 彼接后,甚為珍愛。彼含情脈脈審視該面影,并曰: “噫,先生,倘汝若吾然,于激動人心之剎那間,目睹伊人身著雅致披肩,頭戴俏麗新軟帽168伊以悅耳聲調,告以此乃生日禮物也,淳樸灑脫,溫存妖冶足下必慨然向之五體投地,或永遠逃離戰場。

Even singing the national pastime and tv staple seems reserved for an interchangeable lineup of warbling coquettes husky crooners and jolly fellows in brass stars and epaulets belting out odes to red flags 即便是在國家娛樂活動及電視晚會的歌唱環節中,也總是看見一些換湯不換藥的風塵女子沙啞的男低音和貌似愉悅的跟班,在軍銜和銅制五星的簇擁下高歌紅旗頌。

Why do you disappoint me so ? you seem almost like a coquette , upon my life you do - a coquette of the first urban water 你都差不多挺像一個賣弄風情的女人了,老實說,你都差不多那樣了真像城市里一個最好品質的賣弄風情的女人了!

The most accomplished coquette herself , she could not have manuvred better on meeting a man whom she wanted to attract 她雖是一個善于賣弄風情的女郎,在遇到一個值得鐘情的人時,也不可能有更加出色的表現。

He likes girls that play the coquette 他喜歡風情萬種的女人

He likes girls that play the coquette 他喜歡賣弄風情的女子。

She had a reputation of being a frivolous coquette . 大家都說她是一個輕佻的蕩婦。