
coquetry n.1.(女子的)賣弄風情,賣俏,撒嬌。2.嬌態,媚態,...


To such perseverance in wilful self - deception , elizabeth would make no reply , and immediately and in silence withdrew ; determined , that if he persisted in considering her repeated refusals as flattering encouragement , to apply to her father , whose negative might be uttered in such a manner as must be decisive , and whose behaviour at least could not be mistaken for the affectation and coquetry of an elegant female 他再三要存心自欺欺人,伊麗莎白可懶得再去理他,馬上不聲不響地走開了。她打定了主意:倘若他一定要把她幾次三番的拒絕看作是有意討他的好,有意鼓勵他,那么她就只得去求助于她父親,叫他斬釘截鐵地回絕他。柯林斯總不見得再把她父親的拒絕,看作一個高貴女性的裝腔作勢和賣弄風情了吧。

Ellen was so lovely that she was not merely free from the slightest shade of coquetry , she seemed on the contrary ashamed of the too evident , too violent and all - conquering influence of her beauty . she seemed to wish but to be unable to soften the effect of her beauty 海倫太美了,從她身上看不到半點嬌媚的表情,恰恰相反,好像她為自己堅信不疑的誘惑力足以傾到一切的姿色而深感羞愧,好像她希望減少自己的美貌的誘惑力,可是無能為力。

So next morning mick was more uneasy than ever ; restless , devoured , with his hands restless in his trousers pockets . connie had not visited him in the night . and he had not known where to find her . coquetry ! . at his moment of triumph 第二天,蔑克顯得比一向更不安:躁急著,自抑著,兩只不安的手插在褲袋里,康妮在夜間沒有去找他而他又不知到哪間屋去找她。

S ; “ you cannot reproach me with the slightest coquetry . i have always said to you , i love you as a brother ; but do not ask from me more than sisterly affection , for my heart is another s 我一直都對你說,我只把你看作我的哥哥,別向我要求超出兄妹之愛的感情,因為我的心早已屬于另外一個人了。

If she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie , or if she “ took up “ with him at all , to call her by her first name 如果她吃他那一套獻殷勤的手段,他馬上開始用小名稱呼她了。他上百貨大樓時,總喜歡靠在柜臺上和女店員像老熟人一樣聊聊,問些套近乎的問題。

What a darling this papa is ! she cried , kissing him , and she glanced again at pierre with the unconscious coquetry that had come back with her fresh interest in life 這個爸爸! ”她一邊說,一邊親吻他,她又瞟了一眼皮埃爾,帶著她那又恢復了的不自覺的嫵媚與活潑。

Answer me truly once more . do you think miss ingram will not suffer from your dishonest coquetry ? won t she feel forsaken and deserted 再次老實回答我,你不認為你不光彩的調情會使英格拉姆小姐感到痛苦嗎?

She now turned and looked upon him in full , the instincts of self - protection and coquetry mingling confusedly in her brain 現在她轉過身來,面對著他,腦子里自衛的意識和女性調情的本能亂哄哄地混雜在一起。

If i do - well , said madame , drawing a breath and nodding her head with a stern kind of coquetry , i ll use it 如果那樣的話晤, ”老板娘說,既賣弄風情,又嚴厲地吸了一口氣,點了點頭, “它就會有用了。 ”

In the same year , he founded coquetry with jing bute and again in 1999 , he started modern chinese poetry 1985年與劉漫流、孟浪等創辦《海上》詩刊,同年與京不特創辦《撒嬌》詩刊。

She laughed, twisting her shoulder in a horrible parody of coquetry . 她笑了,一面扭動著肩膀,做出一副肉麻的賣弄風情的姿態。