
coquet vi.1.(女子)賣弄風情,賣俏;鬧著玩兒〔指輕佻無誠意...


This would have been no serious hindrance on a week - day ; they would have clicked through it in their high pattens and boots quite unconcerned ; but on this day of vanity , this sun s - day , when flesh went forth to coquet with flesh while hypocritically affecting business with spiritual things ; on this occasion for wearing their white stockings and thin shoes , and their pink , white , and lilac gowns , on which every mud spot would be visible , the pool was an awkward impediment . they could hear the church - bell calling - as yet nearly a mile off 在平常的日子里,這并不是什么大不了的障礙她們都是穿的高底木頭套鞋和靴子,可以滿不在乎地從水中趟過去但是這天是禮拜天,是她們拋頭露面的日子,她們口頭說的是去進行精神上的陶冶,而實際上是去進行肉體征服肉體的談情說愛這個時候她們都會穿上白色的襪子和輕俏的鞋,有的穿粉紅的連衣裙,有的穿白色的連衣裙,有的穿淡紫色的連衣裙,只要上面濺上了一點兒泥都能被人看見這片水塘把她們擋住了,叫她們犯了難。

Those luxurious apparels open with coquet under the moisture of sullages , posy by posy . with such beauty . sleepless 在污水滋潤下朵朵綻放著妖媚的華容。那樣美麗。不眠。