
copywriter 撰稿人〔尤指寫廣告文字者〕。

coq au vin

5 the company will endeavour to produce an accurate and idiomatic translation of the input material , the client accepts that the company is not providing the skills of a copywriter and a translation may read differently from good original writing and no liability is accepted by the company for any loss arising therefrom 公司將盡力制作出準確的、符合語言習慣的輸入材料譯文,客戶應接受公司并不能提供象廣告文編寫人那樣的文字表達技能,譯文讀起來可能會與良好的原文表達有所不同,公司對由此造成的任何損失概不負責。

The company owns a well - equipped studio with a wide range of quality photographic and video production equipment . it employs professional photographers , producers , copywriters and designers on both full - time and freelance basis to meet every client ' s needs 公司自設影室及制作室,并自置一系列的專業級攝影器材及數位設備,由拍攝到制作都不需外求,在保證最佳質素的同時,成本亦能控制在合理的水平內,定能滿足每位客戶的不同需要。

It causes copywriters to focus on more article than graphic , more writing than strategy , but doesn ' t pay great attention to the systematized thoughts and standardized strategy to article , as well as how to match the design 這種觀點直接導致文案重“文”輕“案” ,重“寫”輕“略” ,而不注重文案的系統化思維、標準化策略以及如何與設計相匹配。

The creative department is composed mostly of copywriters , who are the wordsmiths for the ads , and art directors , who put those words into a visually appealing and appropriate package 創意部主要是由文案? ?廣告的文字工匠、美術指導? ?把那些文字置入一個可視的、迷人的且適宜的包裹中去的人。

Leonard : well , taking into account the image you want to project , we ' ve asked our copywriters to prepare copy for computer magazines and the internet first 李奧納德:考慮到你們想要表現的形象,我們已要求撰寫文案的同事準備好計算機雜志稿及網際網絡用稿。

He worked as a copywriter for volkswagen in ddb barcelona in 1992 , where he learned to respect bernbach and the power of a good headline 1992年,他成為了ddb巴塞羅那公司的文案,為大眾汽車服務。在那里他學會了尊重大師伯恩巴克,并明白了一條好標題的威力。

Leonard : well , taking into account the image you want to project , we ' ve asked our copywriters to prepare copy for computer magazines and the internet first 李奧納德:考慮到你們想要表現的形象,我們已要求撰寫文案的同事準備好電腦雜志稿及網際網路用稿。

Thismay come as news to the hollywood hidalgos who produce programmes , and look down their noses at us obscure copywriters who write the commercials 這項發現,對于輕視我們這群名不見經傳的廣告撰文者的好萊塢節目制作人來說,可能是新聞。

Traditional viewpoint believed , “ article “ only is a copywriter simply engaged in writing draft , which is a wrong explanation to “ article “ 傳統觀點認為, “文案”只是單純從事文字撰稿的人,這是對文案的一個錯誤解讀。

Copywriters and art directors usually work in teams , collaborating and exchanging ideas until a basic concept of the ad is created 文案和美指通常組成工作小組,互相協作、交流思想,直到廣告的一個基本概念形成。

But it is the art director and copywriter who must oversee that work , to guarantee that it is true to the concept they developed 但是,美術指導和文案撰稿人是監督工作以保證他們觀點正確被執行的人。

Ad copywriter direct mail 廣告文撰寫人

Web copywriter educational television division 網頁撰稿員教育電視部

Why is a death of a copywriter so important 一個編輯死了要這么興師動眾?