
copycat n. 盲目模仿者。2.vt. 盲目模仿。


But actively managed funds incur research expenses in generating that information , while copycats have virtually no research expenses 但為了得到新的信息,積極管理的基金會需要研究上的花費,而跟風基金基本上不會產生研究費用。

Looking at monthly returns , the primitive funds out - returned their corresponding copycat funds in four of six months , but not by significant margins 在六個月中有四個月,原始基金的每月回報高于跟風基金,但高出的幅度并不大。

It is really abominable when your achievements are plagiarized by a copycat . i do think i will use legal system to combat with a copycat 你的成就被抄襲者給剽竊的時候的確很討厭,我是覺得我會使用法律手段來跟他們做斗爭。

It is said no pains , no gains . but a copycat got whatever he liked without sweat . who will think highly of that kind of behavior 都說不勞無獲,但不費吹灰之力,抄襲者就得到了他想要的東西,誰能對這種行為有高度評價呢?

Television violence has contributed directly to rising crime , as evidenced by statistics showing a dramatic rise in copycat crimes 數據顯示模仿的犯罪行為有大幅度的增加,這證明電視暴力是犯罪增加的一部分直接原因。

However , the net - of - expense , buy - and - hold returns for the copycat funds was significantly higher than the primitive funds over a six - month period 但如果扣除開支,模仿基金六個月期的持股回報明顯高于原始基金。

But all the other parties , including mr niran ' s , have adopted copycat versions of them ? making them awkward to attack 但是其他所有政黨,包括尼蘭先生的,都采納了這些政策的抄襲版本-這使他們很難去攻擊這些政策。

However , it isn t any ugly copycat at all , it instead features a totally different plot that is based on a real life story 這是一部溫情家庭片,故事大綱令人想起西片《阿甘正傳》 ,不過細節則大不相同。

Olsen ' s success resulted in a wave of copycat chicken beheadings , but no other chicken lived for more than a day or two 奧遜的成功引來了許多人效法,許多雞被砍掉了頭,但是沒有一只能活過一、兩天的。

Welcome to copycat forum , a harmonious forum that offers you brand new experience . we hope you will enjoy your time here 一個氣氛融洽,資訊齊備,將帶給您全新體驗之論壇,希望您可以在這里找到快樂。

The most ill - fated copycat behavior is when it ' s masking the fact that two people simply have nothing in common 最不幸的模仿行為是當它掩飾這樣一個事實的時候:兩個人簡直/完全沒有任何共同之處。

With all due respect , sheriff , i think we have a copycat of the old jason voorhees crystal lake killer on our hands 無意冒犯,警長,我認為我們手上案件是模仿水晶湖兇手杰森佛西斯的犯人

Can a copycat lead a peaceful life when resting on others ’ laurel ? how can ’ t he be ashamed of his deeds 躺在別人的成就里,抄襲者能過得安穩嗎?他怎么就能不對自己的行為感到羞恥呢?

When sales of apple ' s first personal computers started to go up , copycat products came on the market very quickly 當第一代的蘋果個人計算機銷售量節節升高時,仿冒品馬上在市面上出現。

Consumers have difficulty in distinguishing so many forged goods with copycat packaging in the market 現在市場上假冒偽劣產品很多,而且這些產品都有冒充包裝,消費者很難辨別。

The basic finding : copycat returns and primitive fund returns are not statistically different 這樣的結果說明:跟風基金和原始基金的回報基本相同。

The copycat waiters earned almost double the amount of tip than the other group 模仿顧客的服務員獲得的小費差不多是另一組服務員所得的兩倍。

Don t be a copycat 別有樣學樣

Man , he ' s such a copycat . whatever shirt i buy , he ' s going to have one too 嘿,他真愛模仿別人,我買了什么襯衫他馬上就去買一件。