
copybook 習字帖;〔美國〕復寫簿 (blot one's copy...


The xml enablement tool of enterprise developer can work with either a complete cobol source program or a cobol copybook that contains the data declarations describing the interface to the application Enterprise developer的xml可用性工具既可以同一個完整的cobol源程序工作,也可以同一個包含描述該應用程序接口的數據聲明的cobol習字簿一起工作。

The web services enablement tool of websphere developer can work with either a complete cobol source program or a cobol copybook that contains the data declarations describing the interface to the application Websphere developer的web services enablement工具可以使用一個完整的cobol源程序或一個包含描述應用程序接口數據聲明的cobol副本。

Start from an existing cobol application or copybook that contains the interface definitions , i . e . , with cobol at the bottom , derive the xml data model from it , and generate the mapping or conversion code 自底向上從現有的包含接口定義的cobol應用程序或副本入手,即以cobol作為基礎,從中派生xml數據模型并生成映射或轉換代碼。

This lets you use user - coded control statements or xmi descriptions of cobol copybook members to supply information on additional fields , long java - style names , and data types 這使得您可以使用用戶編碼控制語句或者cobol代碼庫編號的xmi描述來提供關于附加字段、長java風格名稱和數據類型的信息。

In the tang dynasty , the model copybooks of wang xi - zhi were introduced to japan , which pushed forward the establishment of japanese calligraphy 盛唐時,王羲之等的法帖傳入日本,受此影響,日本書法開始確立,及至日本奈良時期,全面模仿唐朝,崇拜晉唐的書體在日本盛行。

Rather than the bodies , what does offer a clue is a copybook found in the ruins , entirely burnt except for its cover which was protected by a plastic folder 廢墟中的一本習字簿倒是給了點提示,但除了塑料文件夾護住的封面,它幾乎已經燒毀殆盡。

Create xml schema files from the cobol copybook , which represents the input and output business logic program commarea see the sidebar 從cobol copybook創建xml schema文件, cobol copybook表示輸入和輸出業務邏輯程序commarea (請參見側欄

I suggested to him about a transparent show cart with two smart girls sitting inside writing letters , copybooks , envelopes , blotting paper 我曾向他建議,讓兩個美女坐在一輛透明的陳列車里寫信,并擺上筆記本信封和吸墨紙。

Import the program source for example , a cobol copybook and generate metadata describing the input and output of the program 導入程序源文件(例如, cobol copybook )并生成描述程序輸入和輸出的元數據。

Thanks , sargent answered . he dried the page with a sheet of thin blottingpaper and carried his copybook back to his desk 他用一張薄吸墨紙把那一頁吸干,將練習本捧回到自己的課桌上。

She was the teacher ' s favourite pupil until she blotted her copybook by failing all her examinations 在她每科考試都不及格而自毀名聲之前,她一直是老師最喜歡的學生。

She has a clean driving licence until she blotted her copybook by speeding 她的駕駛執照原本沒有違規記載,直到這次超速才玷污了其良好的紀錄。

He was a good accountant before he blotted his copybook by stealing some money 他原是個好會計,后來因偷竊現金而斷送了自己的前程。

Sargent who alone had lingered came forward slowly , showing an open copybook 他慢慢騰騰地走過來,出示一本攤開的練習本。

He held out his copybook 他遞過練習本來。

May i have a copybook 我可以有一本抄寫本嗎?

This copybook is for you 這本抄寫本是給你的。

Page of an old copybook 這是一本舊練習簿的一頁。

May i have a copybook ( for su yang ) ? sure . here you are 我可以拿本抄寫本(給蘇楊)嗎?當然可以。給你。