
copy n.1.抄本,繕本,謄本,摹本,復制品,【電影】拷貝;【...

copy boy

I have to do ten copies 我得抄十份。

Copying literally means making large numbers of copies . “復印”(copying)一詞字義上指制成許多份。

Do not always copy what the others do , use your own ideas . 不要老是抄襲他人,你應該有自己的主見。

He took a copy of the newspaper as it came off the press . 報紙在印刷機上印出來后他拿了一份。

You should copy his good points , not his weak points . 你應該學他的優點,而不應學他的缺點。

Must china copy japan ? 中國必須模仿日本么?

She had copied everything from him except his manner . 除了他的態度外,她事事物物都學著他。

In the right context, i was good copy . 在適當的場合,我本身倒可以成為一個很好的描寫對象。

Two copies will be signed by the ship's master or his agent . 兩張抄件由船長或其代理簽字。

Do me a favour , while you 're about it , buy me a copy too . 請幫個忙,就便也替我買一本。

Do you want to possess a copy of the examination papers ? it 's impossible . 想搞到考題?

You copied it out of a book . 你是照什么書抄的。

She is a good writer : try to copy her style . 她是出色的作家,你不妨學學她的寫作風格。

I will send you a copy in case you care to read it . 如果你有心讀它,我將寄上一份給你。

Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically .. 不要盲目地或機械地照搬外國的東西。

Make two copies of this poem . 把這首詩復寫兩份。

They wouldn't want to copy it . 他們并不忙于仿造。

You can either write or phone to request a copy . 既可以寫信也可以打電話索取一本。

She was punished for copying during the examination . 她因考試抄襲作弊而受到處罰。