
copulative adj.1.結合的。2.交配的。3.【語法】系詞的。n....


The main components of the latter are multi - rib sandwich panels , including floor slabs and wall slabs . reinforced concrete conformation columns are set where the longitudinal walls and latitudinal walls intersect and copulative beams are set where floor slabs and wall slabs intersect . they play a role of linking and transferring loads , bearing a small part of loads at the same time 無骨架體系的主要承重構件是密肋夾芯板(包括樓板和墻板) ,縱、橫墻相交處設鋼筋混凝土構造(連接)柱,墻板和樓板相交處設連系(圈)梁,連系梁和柱主要起連接和傳遞荷載作用,也承擔少部分荷載。