
copulation n.1.性交,交配,交尾。2.接合,結合,連系。


An outlandish delegate sustained against both these views with such heat as almost carried conviction the theory of copulation between women and the males of brutes , his authority being his own avouchment in support of fables such as that of the minotaur which the genius of the elegant latin poet has handed down to us in the pages of his metamorphoses 某異國使節則駁斥上述意見,以熱切而堅信不疑之口吻曰: “此乃女子與雄獸交媾所生者。 ”其根據則為優雅拉丁詩人憑其才華在變形記中所傳至今之彌諾陶洛斯之類神話。

From outrage matrimony to outrage adultery there arose nought but outrage copulation yet the matrimonial violator of the matrimonially violated had not been outraged by the adulterous violator of the adulterously violated 從暴行婚姻到暴行通奸,除了暴行交媾,什么也沒發生然而婚姻受到凌辱的那位憑著婚姻施暴行者并沒有遭到那個施通奸這一暴行者憑著通奸進行凌辱者的暴行。

In order to understand the mechanism of spermatozoa living in the spermatheca after copulation , hematoxylin - eosin dyeing method is used to discover the microstructure of the spermatheca by light microscope 為進一步了解雌雄個體交配后精子在受精囊內的存活的機制,采用h - e法,在光鏡水平上研究了受精囊的顯微結構。

For a male that stands less than a 20 percent chance of fathering offspring in no more than eight weeks of life , becoming snack food is a small price to pay for a shot at copulation 而對于雄性蜘蛛來說,在它不到8個星期的壽命里面,繁殖后代的機會只有20 % ,變成了別人的小吃和傳宗接代相比就是小巫見大巫了。

Three individuals , c9904 , xfi9915 and xf ] 9933 , were found with more genetic diversity in current study , so it will be better to offer more copulation chance to these individuals in captive breed plan 在飼養種群的人工選擇交配中應增加c9904 , xf _ 19915和xf _ 19933個體與其他鱷進行交配的機會。

“ at the end of the copulation , the praying mantis eats its partner . “ by jean - henri fabre , french entomologist , 1823 - 1915 就在交配完的當天,雌螳螂就把它的配偶抓住,按照習慣先啃食頸部,然后一小口一小口有條不紊吃得只剩下翅膀。

The grass grows and the horse is ruttish , how reasonable the natural is in turn . the copulation in mule market has become the common thing 草長馬發情,這種自然界的交替是多么合乎情理。騾馬市上的交配也就成了情理之事。

And every garment , and every skin , whereon is the seed of copulation , shall be washed with water , and be unclean until the even 17無論是衣服是皮子,被精所染,必不潔凈到晚上,并要用水洗。

He then made the action of copulation and broke the big stone 說著就做出交媾的動作,把石頭弄破。

Devoted to the subject of oral copulation and fertility 有關口交和懷孕的關系

Devoted to the subject of oral copulation and fertility . . 有關口交和懷孕的關系

The reproductive system has a complex innervation concerned in copulation and oviposition . 生殖系統有一個同交尾和產卵有關的復雜神經系統。