
copulate vi.1.性交,交配,交尾。2.結合;連接,連系。adj...


Considering respective merits and disadvantages at simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm , we combine them . by using simulated annealing algorithm ( sa ) to mitigate the stress of culling in genetic algorithm ( ga ) and utilizing the boltzmann mechanism of simulated annealing algorithm to control the acceptance of the individuals generated by copulated and varied , a cdma multi - user detection method based on genetic annealing algorithm is adopted . the computer simulative experiment is conducted 考慮到模擬退火算法和遺傳算法各自的優缺點,將兩者有效的結合起來,通過模擬退火算法來減輕遺傳算法的選擇壓力,利用模擬退火算法的boltzmann機制來接收交叉和變異后的個體,并且結合cdma通信系統多用戶檢測的特點,采用了遺傳退火算法對cdma通信系統的多用戶進行檢測的研究。

On the basis of analyze of the traditional genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm , the simulated annealing algorithm is imported into the culling strategy and the subsistence strategy of genetic algorithm . by using simulated annealing algorithm to mitigate the stress of culling in genetic algorithm and utilizing the boltzmann mechanism of simulated annealing algorithm to control the acceptance of the individuals generated by copulated and varied , a cdma multi - user detection method based on simulated annealing genetic algorithm is proposed . genetic algorithm is suited to numeric solution of multi - variance and has good compatibility 在分析傳統遺傳算法、模擬退火算法的基礎上,將模擬退火算法引入遺傳算法的選擇策略和生存策略,通過模擬退火算法來減輕遺傳算法的選擇壓力,利用模擬退火算法的boltzman機制來控制接收交叉和變異后的個體,針對多用戶檢測問題的特點,提出了一種“基于模擬退火遺傳算法的cdma多用戶檢測方法” 。

A lot of people insist that those who have watched animal world will have noticed that africa also has veldt , forest and animals who frolic and copulate as teacher zhao zhongxiang chases them with his booming voice 很多人堅持收看《動物世界》的觀眾也注意到,非洲還有草原和森林,動物們在趙忠祥老師渾厚的嗓音中追逐、嬉戲以及交配。

Animal breeders had long worried that prized pure - bred females ? whether of horses , pigs , sheep , or dogs ? would be forever contaminated were they allowed to copulate with a male of impure blood 動物飼養著一直以來都在擔心珍貴的純種雌性動物(無論是馬,豬,羊,狗)如果與一個非純種的雄性動物交配,她們的純種特性將永遠被污染。

The presence of the dominant stallion markedly reduces harassment from bachelor males , which might otherwise chase and attempt to copulate with the females 種馬的存在,可以有效降低單身雄馬追求雌馬,并企圖與之交配的性騷擾問題。

“ i love herds . . . all these blokes and all these girls meeting at the watering hole and then just . . . copulating . 我喜歡人們群集在一起… …所有的小子和女孩子們在湖邊相遇,然后就… …交歡。

Quxian sanyuan pig is the commercial name of the mixed - copulated pigs , such as du changjia “衢縣三元豬”是杜長嘉等三元雜交豬的商品名。

Says she hasn ' t copulated with you for four months prior to the incidents 上頭寫說她在命案發生前跟你已經四個月沒發生過性關系了

The male bird performs a sort of mating dance before copulating with the female 這種雄鳥在與雌鳥交尾以前要跳一種交歡舞

Says she hadn ' t copulated with you for four months prior to the incident 她說在事情發生以前四個月都沒有和你做過愛了。

She would know . yeah , l guess we ' ve done no copulating since 她會知道的是的,我猜我們沒行房是從

Two unpregnant reasons of bitches after copulating many times 適齡母犬屢配不孕的兩大原因