
coptis n.【植物;植物學】黃連;〔C-〕黃連屬。


Methods : using orthogonal design method , to apply extract yield of rhizoma coptis and the extract amount of berberine hydrochloride as observing indexes , to measure the content of dl - tetrahydropalmatine with hplc 方法:采用正交設計法,以槲皮素、原兒茶醛薄層斑點,延胡索乙素含量為指標,優選提取工藝。

Results : the optimum extraction process was as follows , adding 8 times of 50 % alcohol into coptis meal , refluxing and extracting for 2 times , one hour every time 結果:最優提取工藝為中等粒度的醋延胡索, 50 %的乙醇, 8倍溶劑量,提取2次,高溫減壓濃縮。

The result showed that the most suitable shadings for coptis chinensis franch of 3 , 4 and 5 - age years are 60 % , 45 % , 0 同一蔭蔽度下不同年齡黃連抗性物質有著明顯差異。

The studies of extraction process of berberine hydrochloride in coptis chinensis franch 黃連中鹽酸小檗堿提取工藝探究

To dig coptis with a hoe ? dig 拿鋤頭刨黃連? ?挖苦。

Research on methods of liquid membrane for extracting berberine from coptis 用液膜法從黃連中提取黃連素的研究