
coptic adj.1.哥普特人[語]的。2.【宗教】哥普特教會的。...


This teaching is to be found in the apocryphon of john ( early 2nd century ) and other documents of popular gnosis discovered near naj ' hammadi in upper egypt in the 1940s and in the pistis sophia , a 3rd - century gnostic work in coptic belonging to the same school 這種教導發現在《約翰的啟示》 (公元二世紀初)和其他四十年代發現在上埃及的納哈馬地文庫的通俗諾斯替文獻,還有《比提絲*索菲婭》 ,一本第三世紀的諾斯替派作品,也是屬于同一間學校上。

Further attestation of mary of magdala and her role among some early christians is provided by the apocryphal gospel of mary magdalene . which survives in two 3rd century greek fragments and a longer 5th century translation into coptic 更進一步地證明抹大拉的瑪麗亞和她在早期基督徒當中的角色是由偽經瑪麗亞抹大拉福音假設的,幸存于三世紀的希臘文碎片上,還有一個比較久的版本在五世紀時翻譯成科普特語。

This almost 2 , 000 year old “ time capsule “ a large sealed storage jar containing parchments written in the coptic language buried by monks during the fourth century now known as the nag hammadi library , has set in motion a spiritual revolution 這個約2000年前的時間之囊西元第四世紀時僧侶所埋藏之大型密封罐,用來保存以歌普特語所寫的羊皮紙,也就是現在人稱的奈格漢馬第圖書館,引發了一場靈性革命。

When it has all been read - mainly in greek , but sometimes in latin , hebrew , coptic , syriac , aramaic , arabic , nubian and early persian - the new material will probably add up to around five million words 這些文獻主要用希臘語,但有時用拉丁語、希伯來語、古埃及語、古敘利亞語、亞拉姆語、阿拉伯語、努比亞語和早期波斯語,當人們讀通所有文獻后,新發現材料的總字數將達五百萬字。

Less well - known is egypt ' s medieval heritage , courtesy of coptic christianity and islam - ancient churches , monasteries and mosques punctuate the egyptian landscape 相對不太出名的是埃及中世紀的遺產,埃及基督教、伊斯蘭教的禮數,這里古老的教堂,禪林和清真寺都是埃及的風光。