
copter n.〔美國〕 helicopter (直升飛機)的縮略詞...


The stability of the tiltrotor in the heli copter mode is analyzed aiming t a semi span soft - inplane tiltrotor model with an elastic wing 集成了非定常動態人流方程與傾轉過渡狀態的多體動力學力程,建立了傾轉旋翼機時域非定常氣彈耦合分析模型。

Finally , since you could see no pattern emerging from the copter ' s color , that factor probably didn ' t make much of a difference 最后,您可以發現飛機顏色因素沒有形成圖案,那么這個因素給飛行時間帶來什么大的差異。

The first flight time , 1 . 15 seconds , in figure 2 came from a pink copter with no paper clip weight and a short blade 第一次飛行的時間為1 . 15秒,在圖2中是來自沒有回形針重量的及短機翼的粉紅色飛機飛行的時間。

Shellie shouts something i can ' t quite make out over the racket of a passing police copter 謝莉沖我嚷了句什么但在飛過的巡邏直升機的噪音讓我沒聽清

Red three , you radio in for our copter 紅色三號,你用無線電聯絡我們的直升機

Over the racket ofa passing police ' copter 但飛過的巡邏直升機的噪音讓我沒聽清