
copse n.= coppice.


The general , whose regiment had been inspected at braunau , submitted to the prince that as soon as the engagement began , he had fallen back from the copse , mustered the men who were cutting wood , and letting them pass by him , had made a bayonet charge with two battalions and repulsed the french 那個曾經在布勞瑙請功的團長向公爵報告,說戰斗一開始,他便從森林中撤退,召集了采伐林木的人,讓他們從自己身旁過去,之后帶領兩個營打了一場白刃戰,粉碎了法國官兵。

She was no sooner in possession of it than , hurrying into the little copse , where she was least likely to be interrupted , she sat down on one of the benches and prepared to be happy ; for the length of the letter convinced her that it did not contain a denial 伊麗莎白果然如愿以償,很快就接到了回信。她一接到信,就跑到那清靜的小樹林里去,在一張長凳上坐下來,準備讀個痛快,因為她看到信寫得那么長,便斷定舅母沒有拒絕她的要求。

But seeing that the hunters did not dismount from their horses , and that the wolf was shaking himself free , and again making his escape , danilo galloped his own horse , not towards the wolf , but in a straight line towards the copse , to cut him off , as karay had done 但當幾個獵人還沒有下馬,那只豺狼抖擻精神,又在逃走的時候,丹尼洛便驅使他的栗色大馬,不是向豺狼,而是逕直地向森林馳去,正如卡拉伊那樣,截斷野獸的去路。

He was aware of what must be taking place within the copse from the rush of the pack coming closer and going further away , from the cries of the dogs , whose notes were familiar to him , from the nearness , and then greater remoteness , and sudden raising of the voices of the huntsmen 他憑獵犬追捕野獸的吠聲的遠近,憑他所熟悉的獵犬的吠聲,憑獵犬訓練管理人的喊聲的遠近與聲高,他就能夠感覺到那座孤林里發生的情況。

He brought word shes moved into the otradnoe enclosure ; there was howling there . shes moved meant that the mother wolf , of whom both knew , had moved with her cubs into the otradnoe copse , which was a small hunting preserve about two versts away 遷移所指的就是他們二人都知道的那只母狼和幾只狼仔遷進了奧特拉德諾耶森林,這座林子離家有兩俄里之遙,這是一片范圍不大的林地。

All seemed lost ; but at that moment the french , who had been advancing against our men , suddenly , for no apparent reason , ran back , vanished from the edge of the copse , and russian sharp - shooters appeared in the copse 似乎一切都已喪失殆盡了,而在這時,曾向我軍進攻的法國官兵忽然間在無明顯緣由的境況下向后方拔腿而逃,隱沒在森林的邊緣,俄國步兵于是在森林中出現了。

The uplands and copses , which at the end of august had still been green islands among the black fields ploughed ready for winter corn , and the stubble had become golden and lurid red islands in a sea of bright green autumn crops 八月底,群山的頂峰和樹林在秋播作物的黑土田地和麥莊之間猶如綠色的孤林,這時在鮮綠的越冬作物中間,已經變成金光閃閃的和鮮紅的孤林。

Next day at eight oclock in the morning , pierre and nesvitsky reached the sokolniky copse , and found dolohov , denisov , and rostov already there . pierre had the air of a man absorbed in reflections in no way connected with the matter in hand 次日,上午八點鐘,皮埃爾和涅斯維茨基來到了索科爾尼克森林中,并且在那里發現多洛霍夫杰尼索夫和羅斯托夫。

They proceeded in silence along the gravel walk that led to the copse ; elizabeth was determined to make no effort for conversation with a woman who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable 兩人默默無聲地沿著一條通到小樹林的鵝卵石鋪道往前走。伊麗莎白只覺得這個老婦人比往常更傲慢,更其令人討厭,因此拿定主張,決不先開口跟她說話。

They halted , half - an - hour afterwards , in a copse , some five hundred feet from the pagoda , where they were well concealed ; but they could hear the groans and cries of the fakirs distinctly 一個半小時之后,他們在一個灌木林里停下來了。這兒離廟只有五百步遠。他們不僅可以看到廟宇,甚至就連廟里那幫狂熱信徒的喊叫,都聽得清清楚楚。

Even now , traces of its earlier condition are to be found in the old oak copses and irregular belts of timber that yet survive upon its slopes , and the hollow - trunked trees that shade so many of its pastures 即使到了現在,從山坡上殘存下來的古老的橡樹林和錯落不的樹林帶上,從為牧場遮蔭的許多空心樹上,都找得到當年情形的痕跡。

It came to pass and platon karataev told a long story of how he had gone into another mans copse for wood , and had been caught by the keeper , how he had been flogged , tried , and sent for a soldier 忽然出事了”普拉東卡拉塔耶夫的長故事講他如何趕車去別人的柴林砍木柴,被看林人捉住,挨鞭抽,被審問,最后被送去當兵。

He had scarcely ridden beyond the ridge of the copse when he saw a stout gentleman in a beaver cap riding towards him on a handsome raven horse , accompanied by two grooms 他剛剛走到森林的階地后面,就看見一個迎面向他走來的頭戴一頂海貍皮便帽的很肥胖的地主老爺,他騎著一匹挺好看的黑馬,有兩個馬夫伴隨著他。

She went to the wood next day . it was a grey , still afternoon , with the dark - green dogs - mercury spreading under the hazel copse , and all the trees making a silent effort to open their buds 第二天,她到樹林里去,那是一個灰色的靜的午后,沉綠的水銀菜,在擦子樹林下蔓生著,所有的樹都在靜默中努力著發芽了。

He could not tell them simply that they had all been charging full gallop , that he had fallen off his horse , sprained his arm , and run with all his might away from the french into the copse 他不能這樣簡單地講給他們聽,講什么個個騎兵縱馬飛奔,他跌下馬來,扭傷了手臂,使盡全力地跑進森林,躲避法國人。

The chief action of the day was fought in the simplest and the most artless fashion on the open space , visible from both sides , between borodino and the flches by the copse 在波羅底諾和凸角堡之間的戰場上,在樹林附近,在兩邊都看得見的空地上,主要的戰斗是用最簡單,最普通的方式進行的。

3 . against the peaceful landscape , the pale , decaying tints of the copses , the blue air of the horizon , and the lichened stile - boards , these staring vermilion words shone forth 映襯著寧靜的風景矮樹林灰白的枯黃色調天邊的蔚藍色空氣和長滿苔蘚的柵欄木板,那些鮮紅的大字閃閃發光。

This was timohins division , the only one that had retained its good order in the copse , and hiding in ambush in the ditch behind the copse , had suddenly attacked the french 這是季莫欣指揮的連隊,惟有這個連隊在森林中順利地堅守陣地,埋伏在森林附近的溝渠,突然向法軍官兵發動進攻。

Everything on this snug property was bright , thriving , and well kept ; acres of glass houses stretched down the inclines to the copses at their feet 在這塊幽靜舒適的地產上,一切都是光明的,興旺的,管理得井井有條占地幾英畝的溫室從山坡上延伸下去,一直到了山腳下的萌生林那兒。