
copra n.椰肉干〔可榨油〕。


Company manage cold curved shaping machinery mainly , have many persons of experienced senior technician and switzerland study overseas returned student of copra in germany , and such domestic close cooperation for many years of numerous universities and colleges as central china university of science and technology , etc . 公司主營冷彎成型輥壓成型機械,擁有多名經驗豐富的高級技師及在德國瑞士學習過copra的海外歸國留學生,并與華中科技大學江蘇科技大學等國內眾多院校有著多年的密切合作關系。

He would be away , in the south seas , building his grass house , trading for pearls and copra , jumping reefs in frail outriggers , catching sharks and bonitas , hunting wild goats among the cliffs of the valley that lay next to the valley of taiohae 他要到南海去,去修建他的草墻房屋,去做珍珠和椰子干生意,會駕駛帶平衡翼的獨木船在礁石間出沒,捕捉鯊魚和鯉魚到泰歐黑山谷附近的峭壁上去打野蘋。

Biodiesel is produced from a wide range of feedstock , including fresh soybean oil , mustard seed oil , waste vegetable oil , palm oil , rapeseed , sunflower , soybean and jatropha , copra , palm , groundnut and cotton seed 生物柴油可以利用很廣泛的原料生產,包括新鮮的大豆油、芥菜子油,廢植物油、棕櫚油、油菜籽、向日葵、大豆和麻瘋樹,椰肉干、棕櫚樹、花生和棉籽。

Feed grain importers in south east asia are clear alter to the aflatoxin content of maize ( corn ) coming in but just as concerned for the aflatoxin status of groundnut meal and copra cake going out 東南亞地區的谷物進口商,應該和其他國家關注進口他們的花生和椰子肉中黃曲霉毒素含量一樣,關注進口的谷物(玉米)中的黃曲霉毒素含量。

He would buy a schooner - one of those yacht - like , coppered crafts that sailed like witches - and go trading copra and pearling among the islands 他打算買一艘大帆船像游艇的銅皮包裹的駕駛起來像有巫術指揮的大帆船,用它在南海諸島之間做椰子干生意,也采珍珠。

Founded in singapore in the 1930s , lam soon first began trading in edible oils , rice and copra 南順于30年代在新加坡成立,最初主要從事食油、食米及干椰貿易。

Agriculture ( copra , timber , beef , cocoa , coffee ) , a growing reliance on finance and tourism 農業(干椰肉,木材,牛肉,可可粉,咖啡) ,增長的信賴在財務和旅游業。