
coppice n.〔英國〕矮林,小樹林,灌木林;萌生林,雜木林 (=c...


They crossed it by a simple bridge , in character with the general air of the scene ; it was a spot less adorned than any they had yet visited ; and the valley , here contracted into a glen , allowed room only for the stream , and a narrow walk amidst the rough coppice - wood which bordered it 他們從一座簡陋的小橋上過了河,只見這座小橋和周圍的景色很是調和。這地方比他們所到過的地方要樸素些。山谷到了這兒也變成了一條小夾道,只能容納這一灣溪流和一條小徑,小徑上灌木夾道,參差不。

There was a ridge of ploughed land , with a plough upon it where it had been left last night when the horses were unyoked ; beyond , a quiet coppice - wood , in which many leaves of burning red and golden yellow still remained upon the trees 窗外有一條翻耕過的地畦,上面有一部昨夜除去馬軛后留下的鏵犁。遠處是一片寂靜的雜樹叢,還殘留著許多火紅的和金黃的樹葉。

Coppice ( copse ) a woodland managed for wood production by cutting trees back to ground level at regular intervals ( usually 10 - 15 years ) and allowing adventitious shoots to grow up from the base 萌生林(雜樹林) :在森林更新作業中,由樹木的定期伐樁(通常是10 15年)和根萌蘗而形成的森林。

Ultimately , it will consume some 475 , 000 tonnes of sustainable wood a year , including 95 , 000 tonnes of short - rotation coppice 噸是附近農民砍伐的柳樹。一位e . on

The next day a picnic was arranged in a beautiful coppice 第二天,在一個美麗的小灌木林里布置了野餐。

A thicket of small trees or shrubs ; a coppice 矮林,萌生林一種小樹叢或灌木叢;矮林