
coppersmith 銅匠;銅器制造人。


2 tim . 4 : 14 alexander the coppersmith did many evil things to me ; the lord will recompense him according to his works 提后四14銅匠亞力山大多多地害我,主必照他所行的報應他。

Alexander the coppersmith did many evil things to me ; the lord will recompense him according to his works 14銅匠亞力山大多多的害我,主必照他所行的報應他。

Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm ; the lord will repay him according to his deeds 提后4 : 14銅匠亞力山大多多的害我主必照他所行的報應他。

The coppersmith faced the iron bar with copper 這銅匠把銅涂在鐵條上。

The elderly grey - haired man is a coppersmith by trade 那個灰頭發上了年紀的人是銅匠。