
copperfield n.科波菲爾〔姓氏〕。


In 1977 , abc snagged david to do a magic series called “ the magic of abc starring david copperfield “ . with great success , cbs then signed him up to perform his current the magic of david copperfield specials . since 1978 , david has been seen on tv with highly rated and emmy award winning specials 憑著卓越的成就,大衛19次獲得美國電視藝術艾美獎,其演出票房和收入連獅子王貓和歌劇院的幽靈等經典節目也望塵莫及,他的大型表演夢想與夢魘至今還保持著百老匯的票房紀錄。

Translation criticism is an indispensable part of translation activity and has thus been considered as important by more and more scholars and readers in china as well as in the world . little translation criticism , however , has been done objectively previously due to the lack of certain theories as the guidance . this paper is intended to examplify that translation criticism can be done comprehensively and objectively by using register theory to assess the quality of the two chinese versions of david copperfield as far as faithfulness is concerned 所謂翻譯批評,是指根據有關理論和觀點對翻譯思想、翻譯活動和翻譯作品進行分析和評論,以提高翻譯者的整體素質、翻譯的整體質量和讀者對譯品的鑒賞能力,是翻譯研究的組成部分.但如何使翻譯批評具有其應有的公正性和客觀性,因而達到翻譯批評的目的,需要相應的理論作指導.隨著語言學理論的層出不窮,越來越多的語言學理論可以應用于翻譯批評.本文擬將語域學理論和翻譯批評結合起來,從新的角度來詮釋英國著名的語言學家韓禮德的語域學理論,把語域理論的三要素語旨、語場和語式置于語境中進行分析,旨在使翻譯批評更理性化、更具客觀性與公正性

What would you rather see , david copperfield on stage performing one of his unbelievable elusions with all the lights , pretty assistants , and fire and smoke or some ordinary joe walking up to you on the street and asking you to pick a card , any card 是大衛考柏菲在舞臺上表演讓人難以置信的脫身遁逃術,伴隨著各種的燈光,煙霧,火焰和美麗的助手.還是一些普通的街頭魔術師,那些你走在路上時向你?訕想變魔術給你看,要你抽牌,抽任何一張

It s an amazing thing , very , very exciting . “ copperfield , who turns 50 next month , said he had hired biologists and geologists to examine its potential effect on humans but he s not inviting visitors to swim in or drink from it just yet 下月即將年滿50歲的科波菲爾表示,他已經聘請了生物學家和地質學家對“不老泉”可能存在的對人類的作用進行檢測,但他目前不會邀請客人在泉中游泳或飲泉水。

Copperfield , who turns 50 next month , said he had hired biologists and geologists to examine its potential effect on humans but he ‘ s not inviting visitors to swim in or drink from it just yet 下月即將年滿50歲的科波菲爾表示,他已經聘請了生物學家和地質學家對“不老泉”可能存在的對人類的作用進行檢測,但他目前不會邀請客人在泉中游泳或飲泉水。

He used the stage name of david copperfield here for the first time . he sang , danced and created all the magic in the show , which went on to become the longest running show in chicago 大衛科波菲爾堪稱古往今來最偉大的魔術大師, 30多年來,他一次次超越人們的想象力,將一件件看似“不可能完成的任務”變為現實。

Miami ( reuters ) - master illusionist david copperfield says he has found the “ fountain of youth “ in the southern bahamas , amid a cluster of four tiny islands he recently bought for $ 50 million 風靡世界的美國魔術大師大衛?科波菲爾聲稱,他在巴哈馬群島南部最近花5000萬美元購買的4座小島上發現了“不老泉” 。

Miami reuters - master illusionist david copperfield says he has found the “ fountain of youth “ in the southern bahamas , amid a cluster of four tiny islands he recently bought for 50 million 風靡世界的美國魔術大師大衛科波菲爾聲稱,他在巴哈馬群島南部最近花5000萬美元購買的4座小島上發現了“不老泉” 。

She then focused on developing her own performing career . she performed in the famous cirque du soleil show “ alegria “ and renowned magician david copperfield s show 她其后發展個人表演事業,曾于大型表演如cirque du soleil系列中的“ alegria “及魔術大師大衛高柏飛david copperfield的節目中粉墨登場。

Dances the stick : david copperfield and jeff the mcbride use magicclub magic , under the magic direction , may fly high dances in the air , also may make the very many patterns movement 跳舞棒: david copperfield及jeff mcbride使用的魔棒魔術,在魔術師的指揮下,可以凌空飛舞,也可以做出很多的花樣動作。

Master illusionist david copperfield says he has found the “ fountain of youth “ in the southern bahamas , amid a cluster of four tiny islands he recently bought for 50 million 風靡世界的美國魔術大師大衛-科波菲爾聲稱,他在巴哈馬群島南部最近花5000萬美元購買的4座小島上發現了“不老泉” 。

Master illusionist david copperfield says he has found the “ fountain of youth “ in the southern bahamas , amid a cluster of four tiny islands he recently bought for $ 50 million 風靡世界的美國魔術大師大衛-科波菲爾聲稱,他在巴哈馬群島南部最近花5000萬美元購買的4座小島上發現了“不老泉” 。

“ i kept my housekeeping book regularly , and balanced it with mr . copperfield every night , “ cried my mother in another burst of distress , and breaking down again “我每天一天也不漏,把日用帳都記下來,到晚上和考坡菲先生一塊兒結算。 ”我母親說了這一句,又悲不自勝,哭了起來。

Bring ms copperfield some tea at once . and about midnight she came downstairs to the sitting - room while miss betsty was waiting impatiently 給科波菲爾太太泡杯茶,快點!大半夜的走下樓,貝西小姐在客廳都等得不耐煩了。

“ now , i ' ll tell you what , young copperfield , “ said he , “ the wine shall be kept to wet your whistle when you ' re story - telling . “現在,小科波菲爾,你聽我說好啦, ”他說, “這個酒留著你說故事的時候給你潤嗓子吧。 ”

I was born at blunderstrone , in suffolk , in the east of england , and was given my poor father ' s name , david copperfield 我出生在英國東部薩福克郡的布蘭德斯通,并沿用了我不幸父親之名? ?大衛-科波菲爾。

David copperfield ' s stepfather , mr . murdstone treated him badly every day and he had to eat humble pie for his mother 太衛?科波菲爾的繼父牟德斯通先生每天在虐待他,為了母親,大衛不得不忍受羞辱。

In 1996 , during his broadway performance in nyc , he stopped by metuchen to receive an honor and dedication of copperfield lane 1979年,大衛在電影恐怖列車中扮演角色,展露了他的表演才能。

Beginners are encouraged to read abridgement of david copperfield because the original is too difficult 要鼓勵初學者去讀《大衛?科波菲爾》的縮寫本,因為原著太難了。