
copperbottom vt.用銅板包(船底等)。


Robots tells the story of rodney copperbottom , an aspiring inventor , who travels to robot city to meet his idol , bigweld , along the way he quickly makes a whole gang of new friends , and together they encounter the evil ratchet 雖然未能遇上大發明家大焊,卻因緣際會認識了鬼馬的阿凡牛王頭?辮妹琵琶等好友,洛尼更以自己的才華替城中有缺陷無錢升級的機械人修理身體,深受歡迎。

This copperbottom will do great things for the world , i can feel it 這小銅臀將來一定有出息我可以感覺得到

Copperbottom , where are you going 銅臀,你要上哪兒?

Copperbottom , this one ' s from your mom 銅臀,你媽寫來的

Sweepers were on the loose , but then came copperbottom 清道夫滿街跑而這時救星銅臀來啦

Mr . and mrs . copperbottom , i came all this way 銅臀先生和夫人我遠道而來

Mr . and mrs . copperbottom , i came all this way . . 銅臀先生和夫人我遠道而來. .