
copper n.1.銅;紫銅。2.銅幣,銅錢,〔pl.〕零錢。3.銅...

copper beech

Man had known for several millennia how to mix copper and tin to make bronze-but why, why does this work so well ? 幾千年來,人們已經知道了怎么樣混合銅和錫來制造青銅--然而,為什么,為什么這種混合效果這么好呢?

Methylmercury was extracted from the homogenized tissue with toluene in the presence of copper sulfate, sodium bromide and sulfuric acid . 在存在硫酸銅、溴化鈉和硫酸的情況下,用甲基從組織勻漿中萃取甲基汞。

They analyzed their samples for lead, sodium, copper and found that some of the ratios were close to the values found for the earth's crust . 他們分析了樣品中鉛、鈉、銅,發現某些比率接近于地球外殼中的值。

The copper pitcher of hot water in the basin, the sliver of his brushes, and the line of his well-polished boots, all shone . 面盆里的黃銅熱水壺,銀色的刷子,擦得亮晶晶的皮靴的線條,全都閃熠發光。

Copper was reduced from 20 mg/l to below detectable limits by sulfide precipitation from a gold-ore extraction wastewater . 用硫化物沉淀法可將金礦抽提廢水中的銅含量從20毫克升降到可檢測標準以下。

Ore minerals in the colorado-type deposits are of uraninite and coffinite, with associated vanadium and copper minerals . 科羅拉多型礦床中的鈾礦物為晶質鈾礦和水硅鈾礦,與之共生的還有釩,銅礦物。

The christian impeached allende's ministers of labor and mines charging them with precipitating the copper strikes . 基督教民主黨人提出彈劾阿連德的勞工部長和礦業部長,指控他們激起銅礦工人罷工。

It is not possible to make this light alloy by melting the small part of copper and then adding the much larger part of aluminium . 在煉這種輕質合金時,就不能先熔小部分的銅,再加進大部分鋁。

Copper wires are carried back from the rotating terminals to the individual sliprings along grooves in the outside of the shaft . 銅導線從旋轉凸塊沿著軸外部的凹糟引回到各個滑環上去。

The fracture zone carries copper and nickel near the layered intrusion but only copper at some distance from it . 裂隙帶在接近層狀侵入體處含有銅鎳,而在距侵入體較遠處,只含有銅。

In this work, the copper binding capacity of several complexing agents of known stability constants was determined . 在這一工作中,測定了幾種已知穩定常數的絡合劑對銅的束縛能力。

Use a filter funnel and paper to filter the mixture of copper sulphate, sand and water into a second jar . 用過濾漏斗和過濾紙把硫酸銅、砂子和水的混合物過濾到另一個廣口瓶里。

It was the end of the workday, with the sunset burning across the mountain, and the sky shining like copper . 一天的勞動結束了,夕陽的余輝映照山嶺,把天空染成一片古銅色。

We have parted with the colt, and have only got a gross of green spectacles, with copper rims and shagreen cases . 我們把馬賣了,只得了十二打的銅邊鯊皮盒的綠眼鏡。

In many porphyry copper deposits, additional enrichment of the metal has been caused by surficial weathering . 在許多斑巖銅礦礦床中,地表風化使得金屬銅進一步富集。

It is noteworthy that best copper removal occurred at ph 6. 0, with the addition of ferrous sulfate only . 顯然,除銅率最高是在PH值6只加入硫酸亞鐵之時。

However, according to modern theory of metals, the copper is still ionic in the metallic state . 但是,根據最新的金屬理論,銅在金屬態下仍然是離子化的。

Air distribution piping systems almost invariably use soft copper tubing with soldered fittings . 壓縮空氣的分配管道系統無例外地都是用焊接管件的銅管。

Ringing a telephone now requires copper wire from the central exchange to the home . 目前的電話鈴聲則需要靠從中心交換臺通到用戶家中的銅線進行工作。