
copland n.科普蘭〔姓氏〕。


The roster of composers and conductors who have led the philharmonic includes such historic figures as theodore thomas , pyotr ilyich tchaikovsky , anton n dvo ? k , gustav mahler ( music director , 1909 ? 11 ) , otto klemperer , richard strauss , willem mengelberg ( music director , 1922 ? 30 ) , wilhelm furtw ? ngler , arturo toscanini ( music director , 1928 ? 36 ) , igor stravinsky , aaron copland , bruno walter ( music advisor , 1947 ? 49 ) , dimitri mitropoulos ( music director , 1949 ? 58 ) , klaus tennstedt , george szell ( music advisor , 1969 ? 70 ) , and erich leinsdorf 曾與樂團合作過的史上著名作曲家和指揮包括:西奧多?托馬斯、柴科夫斯基、德沃夏克、馬勒、奧托?克倫佩勒、理查?施特勞斯、威廉?孟高貝格、富爾特文格勒、托斯卡尼尼、斯特拉文斯基、科普蘭、布魯諾?瓦爾特、迪米特里?米特羅普洛斯、克勞斯?騰斯泰德、喬治?塞爾、埃里克?雷恩斯朵夫。

With its cross - fertilisation of indian , african and spanish influences , the music of south america is alive with colour , rhythm and movement . american composers like gershwin and copland were captivated by the swing of latin dances , but it was the great argentinian tango composer astor piazzolla who took the smouldering seduction of his national dance into the world of orchestral music 集印度、非洲及西班牙文化于一身的南美音樂,充滿迷人的色彩、節奏和動感。美國作曲家蓋希文與柯普蘭,被拉丁舞的強勁節奏深深吸引,而阿根廷探戈舞作曲大師皮亞蘇拉,更把他的民族藝術發揚光大,近年由煙霧彌漫的舞廳走到西方殿堂級音樂廳,一躍而成為世界級管弦樂團的演奏曲目。

Among the most prominent composers of the 20th century were b la bart k , gustav mahler , richard strauss , giacomo puccini , claude debussy , maurice ravel , charles ives , edward elgar , arnold schoenberg , sergei rachmaninoff , sergei prokofiev , igor stravinsky , dmitri shostakovich , benjamin britten , aaron copland and carl nielsen 在現代音樂之前,作為前繼者的歐洲古典音樂家有巴爾托克、馬勒、理查斯特勞斯、浦契尼、德布西、艾伍士、艾爾加、荀白克、拉赫曼尼諾夫、普羅高菲夫、史特拉汶斯基、蕭士塔高維契、布瑞頓、柯普蘭、尼爾森等人。

American composers like gershwin and copland were captivated by the swing of latin dances , but it was the great argentinian tango composer astor piazzolla who took the smouldering seduction of his national dance into the world of orchestral music . walther castro has this music in his blood and brings the authentic sound of buenos aires to the hong kong philharmonic 美國作曲家蓋希文與柯普蘭,被拉丁舞的強勁節奏深深吸引,而阿根廷探戈舞作曲大師皮亞蘇拉,更把他的民族藝術發揚光大,近年由煙霧彌漫的舞廳走到西方殿堂級音樂廳,一躍而成為世界級管弦樂團的演奏曲目。

Fashioning orchestral pieces out of dances from operas or ballets began in the baroque period ; later examples include tchaikovsky ' s nutcracker suite and copland ' s appalachian spring , both arranged from ballets 把歌劇和芭蕾舞音樂改編成組曲始于巴洛克時期;后來的例子如柴可夫斯基的胡桃夾組曲和科普蘭的阿巴拉契亞的春天組曲均改編自芭蕾舞。

In 1944 , the martha graham ballet “ appalachian spring , “ with music by aaron copland , premiered at the library of congress , with graham in a leading role 1944年,瑪撒格雷厄姆的芭蕾舞“阿巴拉契山脈的春天”在美國國會圖書館初次公演,音樂亞倫科普蘭,格雷厄姆為主要男演員。

An older sister taught copland how to play the piano while he attended public high school 科普蘭上公立高中的時候,他的姊姊教他彈鋼琴。