
coplanar adj.【數學】共面的。


By using the method of combining reinforcement learning and differential game theory , the coplanar air combat problem between two aircrafts is analyzed . based on this method , it is avoided to solve the tedious two - point boundary value problem derived from the optimal control theory 本文研究了共面雙機空戰格斗的動態對策問題,采用增強學習與微分對策相結合的方法,避免了傳統的控制理論根據被控對象的精確數學模型和性能指標來求解最優解析解的方法帶來的困難。

This paper puts forward cpw structures and analyses their characteristic parameters . at this foundation , this paper brings forward asymmetric upper - low shielded coplanar waveguide structure and figures out it ' s resolved resolution . we can set up a uniform cpw “ s simulation software pack at this foundation 本文分析了非對稱共面波導結構的特性參數,對其結構與特性參數的關系進行了仿真,并對仿真結果的分析研究,在此基礎上提出了上下屏蔽多層非對稱共面波導結構模型,得到了該模型的特性參數的解析解,在此基礎上可以建立共面波導電極結構的仿真軟件包

Coplanar waveguides ( cpw ' s ) offer several advantages over conventional microstrips , these include the simplification of the circuit fabrication process , ease of parallel and series insertion of both active and passive components ( without the need for via holes ) , and high circuit density . therefore cpw ' s are widely used in microwave and millimeter - wave integrated circuits , optical and high temperature superconductor microwave devices 與常規的微帶傳輸線相比,共面波導具有容易制作,容易實現無源、有源器件在微波電路中的串聯和并聯(不需要在基片上穿孔) ,容易提高電路密度等優點,因此共面波導被廣泛應用于微波、毫米波、光學和高溫超導等集成電路中。

A new similarity method in fem is presented for researching of the problems about the nonuniform and irregular region , such as micromachined microwave coplanar waveguide . by using this method , we calculate the characteristic impedances of mems waveguide and analyse the change with its different dimensions . with the use of a recurrence relation , this new method not only use much less computer ' s memory than the conventional fem , but also simplify the post - process 對低阻硅襯底上實現v型槽mems共平面波導進行了詳細深入的研究,提出并采用混合相似剖分有限元方法對不規則結構傳輸線的特性阻抗進行數值分析,在驗證了方法的正確性基礎上,進行了大量計算,并總結了常用50 、 120等阻抗傳輸線的結構參數。

This dissertation has made the following research : for the structures comprising discontinuities and three - dimensional specialities , which largely present in soc , the planar gap and the tridimensional vertical bend of shielded coplanar waveguide ( cpw ) , are analyzed respectively as two typical examples . the finite - difference time - domain ( fdtd ) method are used for electromagnetic simulation using its highly accuracy 采用具有高精度數值解的時域有限差分法,對屏蔽共面波導的平面型間隙結構和三維垂直互連結構進行全波數值仿真,首次得到這些結構的電特性分析,并給出不連續性等效電路參數。

The characteristics of shadow - mask pdp are compared with those of coplanar - electrode pdp by eme model . the result shows that the shadow - mask pdp has many advantages , such as the greater mean value of the particle densities , the higher response speed and discharge efficiency . moreover , how to optimize the cell structure of shadow - mask pdp has been investigated 模擬結果表明,在相同的模擬工作電壓下,蔭罩式結構中的各種粒子的平均濃度均比表面放電式結構提前達到峰值,且平均濃度的最大值比表面放電式高,放電效率也高于表面放電式結構,這意味著新型蔭罩式結構的亮度高,響應頻率快。

It has been shown by our calculations that conductor loss is greatly reduced under velocity matching with relatively thick coplanar waveguide electrodes and thick buffer layer , but the characteristic impedance can not match with that of the external circuit at the same time , and the modulation bandwidth is confined in this case 然后,用一般的橢圓積分計算了普通共面波導型調制器的有效折射率、特征阻抗和導體損耗系數。通過計算發現,采用厚電極和厚緩沖層結構,在實現速度匹配的情況下,可以大大減小導體損耗,但是由于阻抗不能同時滿足匹配,調制帶寬受到限制。

Green “ s theorem is employed to find the quantity relationship among the constraints of heating rate , dynamic pressure and lift in reentry flight . the paper deduced the approximate solution of the optimal aeroassisted coplanar trajectories under the three typical constraints . the performance index to be minimized are either heat input , the total dynamic pressure , time during the atmospheric flight , the time integral of the square of the path inclination ; or maximize the time of flight during the atmospheric portion of the trajetory . an important conclusion is firstly obtained : under the three constraints above , the optimal aeroassisted coplanar transfers with the first forth kinds payoffs have the same optimal control laws 采用格林函數法,給出了同一平面氣動力輔助變軌飛行的3種過程約束(氣動加熱率、動壓、升力約束)條件之間關系的近似定量描述形成的飛行包絡線.由此求解了航天器同時受3種約束條件時,各種性能指標下的同一平面氣動力輔助變軌軌跡的近似解及相應的最優控制規律.文中對近似解與控制規律的內部結構作了細致的分析,得到了一些有益的結論

The complex nonlinear pursuit - evasion model of two spacecraft in near - earth coplanar orbit is simplified to linear model , the circular region the radius of which is equal to capture radius is defined as target set , capture is achieved when the evader come into the target set and the game is over ; the boundary of useable part ( bup ) is determined , and the analytical form solution of the linear equations is obtained by backward integration of the state variables from the bup , the linear barrier of the pursuit - evasion model and the optimum thrust of the both sides are thus obtained 本文將近地共面軌道內運動的兩飛行器非線性追逃模型簡化為線性模型,以捕獲半徑的圓域定為目標集,確定目標集邊界上的可用部分,并以此為各狀態變量的起點,對時間進行倒向積分,求得線性方程組的解析解,從而確定了該追逃模型的線性界柵,以及界柵上對策雙方的最優推力,即求得了滿足最優策略時相對運動的軌跡和推力。

In the eme model , the electron energy balance equation is taken into account and the transport coefficients are assumed to be the functions of the electron mean energy . in this paper , a software is programmed to simulate the discharge process of plasma display cell of coplanar - electrode type , the matrix - electrode type and the novel shadow - mask pdp according to the gas discharge mechanism and fluid simulation theory . the simulation results show that both lfa model and eme model can be used to investigate the discharge characteristics of the cell , but the eme model is preferred for its better coincidence with theories and experiments 在本文中,分別使用本地場近似的lfa ( localfieldapproximation )流體模型和假設碰撞反應系數、傳輸系數和電子的平均能量相關的eme ( electronmeanenergy )流體模型對pdp放電過程進行模擬,比較分析模擬結果,得出eme模型和lfa模型對放電的繁流、起輝放電、熄滅等過程的描述的基本趨向是大致相同的,而從模擬工作電壓與實際電壓的接近程度和放電效率角度比較, eme模型的模擬結果跟理論和實驗結果更為相符。

In this modulator , coplanar strips ( cps ) are used as electrodes for they support balance mode propagation of microwave , and this is a desired merit for common optical modulator . due to the miniaturized dimensions , the metallization thickness is in the order of skin depth and the conductor losses are not negligible 雖然由于金屬的趨膚效應,電場將集中在金屬表面,但在40g以上的頻率條件下,金屬的厚度和趨膚深度在一個量級,而且此時調制器帶寬受到限制的最大根源來源于金屬電極的微波損耗。

The loss of coplanar wave - guides ( cpws ) on ps / ops layers with thickness about 10 , and 70um respectively on low - resisitivity ( o . olflcm ) si has been studied , which are expected to increase the substrate resistivity and then to reduce its effective dielectric loss under the microwave operation 01只cn : ) _ l生長的多孔硅/氧化多孔硅厚膜為襯底制備的共平面波導( cpw )的微波插入損耗特性,其介質膜的厚度分別是10腳和70腳。

Results of studying several non - coplanar coherent structures of . turbulent flow show the variable process of each turbulent coherent structures with different initial locations and interactive law , and are relative closely with their locations 文中研究了更具一般性的非共面多個湍流相干結構的相互作用,表明了有著不同初始位置的各相干結構自身的發展和演化過程及其相互作用規律,顯示出與其所在位置直接相關。

Final , the plane models producing method for complete plane regions is proposed involving limiting the search region of extending for a half - plane , extending region with feature points , grouping neighbor and coplanar planes and rendering the plane models 最后,提出建構出完整平面模型的方法,包括半平面擴展的搜尋范圍限制,使用特徵點來進行平面擴展,將鄰近且共平面的兩平面組合起來,繪制出平面模型。

Two spacecraft ’ s rendezvous technology in coplanar near - earth orbit with maneuvering target , based on the sight coordinate system is presented in this paper . differential games guidance law ( dggl ) and proportional navigation ( pn ) are studied 本論文研究了近地共面軌道兩空間飛行器在目標機動下的在軌交會技術,分別對微分對策制導律和比例導引制導律兩種制導方法進行了研究。

In early stage of aging , cerium lessens influence of coplanar slip on anisotropy by making “ phase particles smaller and more disperse , while it makes contribution of t1 phase to anisotropy contrary to that of textures 在時效早期, ce通過細化和彌散化相來減弱共面滑移對各向異性的貢獻;而在整個時效過程中, ce均使t _ 1相對各向異性的貢獻與形變織構對各向異性的貢獻相反。

Three types of artificial neural networks , namely radial basis function network , feedforward network , stochastic network , and their application in the analysis of electromagnetic stop band structure in coplanar waveguide have been discussed 本文研究了以下三種人工神經網絡:徑向基函數網絡、前向網絡、隨機網絡,并用于分析共面波導中的電磁阻帶結構。

The cross section of modulator electrodes we study is trapezoidal but not rectangular in common , so it is necessary to make an analysis of the effects of trapezoidal electrodes on the characteristics of coplanar waveguide 由于實際的電極橫截面形狀是梯形而非理想的矩形結構,研究梯形電極中間電極角度和地電極角度對調制器特征參量影響是十分有必要的。

Although there are many researches about cpw ' s , the most of them are given only for symmetric cpw ' s , and moreover , there is few literatures published about the studies of field patterns of coplanar waveguides 目前研究分析共面波導的文獻較多,而對于非對稱共面波導的研究成果較少,公開發表的共面波導場結構的研究成果則更少。