
copious adj.1.豐富的;大量的。2.冗長的。短語和例子a c...


In case of contact with eyes , rinse immediately with plenty of clean flowing water and seek medical attention if there is persistent irritation ; in case of contact with skin , rinse immediately with plenty of clean flowing water ; if ingested , drink copious amounts of fresh water and seek immediate medical attention 如果與眼接觸,應用大量的清水清洗,如刺疼持續,應立即聯系醫生幫助,作為?性燒傷處理;如果與手及皮膚接觸,用大量的清水沖洗即可;如果不小心吸入,應大量飲水并立刻尋求醫生的意見。

The vehemence of my agitation brought on a copious bleeding at the nose , and still heathcliff laughed , and still i scolded . i don t know what would have concluded the scene , had there not been one person at hand rather more rational than myself , and more benevolent than my entertainer 我這劇烈的激動使我流了大量的鼻血,可是希刺克厲夫還在笑,我也還在罵,要不是旁邊有個人比我有理性些,比我的款待者仁慈些,我真不知道怎么下臺。

Although local residents are considered highly superstitious , the festival is ultimately filled with laughter and delight , with chinese opera , a procession of floats and lanterns , copious incense burning and loud drumming intended to scare away evil spirits all contributing to the carnival atmosphere 大平清醮亦稱為包山節,節日的焦點節目是搶包山。這是個源自道教的傳統,據說是為祭祀祖先和北帝,同時超渡亡魂。

The earlier dated were embarrassed and short ; gradually , however , they expanded into copious love letters , foolish , as the age of the writer rendered natural , yet with touches here and there which i thought were borrowed from a more experienced source 早期的信寫得拘謹而短但是漸漸地,這些信發展成內容豐富的情書了,寫得很笨拙,這就作者的年來說是自然的可是有不少句子據我想是從一個比較有經驗的人那里借來的。

I enjoyed three whole days of meditating , reading , learning and watching master s videos in the embrace of her wisdom and love , along with copious amounts of delicious food and cakes , advanced tai chi exercises , and plenty of hearty laughter 三天的快樂時光中,在充滿智慧與愛力的修行氣氛下,大家一起打坐學習閱讀教理看師父錄影帶,享用了許多美味的食物和糕點,并學到進階的太極拳,歡樂的笑聲洋溢整個小中心。

She said that at the end of the day or anytime it was needed , he should wash with copious amounts of water with a few drops of lemon and some salt added . she also indicated that vigorously shaking his hands at least seven times would also help to sever any psychic connections 在一天工作結束或任何需要的時候,用大量的水加上幾滴檸檬汁和一些鹽清洗自己,并用力甩手至少七次,可以切斷能量上的關聯。

The beautifully produced 5 - volume set of the former , the only copy that exists in the world , is a genuine and copious account of lord george macartney s mission to china and the court of the qing emperor qianlong from the king george iii between 1792 and 1794 這不僅是本生動詳實的歷史紀錄,當中多幅描繪細膩的插圖更教人為之贊嘆。香港大學圖書館將此孤本數位化,作為館藏的第一百萬冊電子書。

One evening as mme lerat was withdrawing from the scene in high dudgeon because she had noticed a copious dinner she was not destined to eat in process of preparation , she could not prevent herself asking brutally who paid for it all 一天晚上,勒拉太太看見爐灶里煮著一頓豐盛的晚餐,而自己卻吃不到,臨走時氣乎乎地,不禁用生硬的口氣問娜娜,是誰付的錢。

With so many breeds of dogs popular for so many thousands of years , one would think there would be an abundance of transitional fossils providing paleontologists with copious data from which to reconstruct their evolutionary ancestry 千萬年來,狗的繁衍極為廣泛,照理說會有大量過渡化石讓古生物學家取得豐富的資料,以重建狗的演化譜系。

Zijin ' s executives had copious good words to say about the hospitality of their canadian hosts and the country ' s scenic landscapes , but they were vague on the appeal of their first international investment 紫金的高層主管對東道主的殷勤好客和這個國家的秀麗景色贊不絕口,但談到他們首次國外投資對象的魅力時,對它的贊語可就不那么慷慨了。

It is a genuine and copious account of lord george macartney s mission to the court of the qing emperor qianlong from the king george iii between 1792 and 1794 , and is the only copy known to exist in the world 英使謁見乾隆紀實載有一七九二年至一七九四年間,英王喬治三世首次派遣特使馬戛爾尼率團前往承德拜謁乾隆的經過。

Sister initiates from the kitchen team prepared copious amounts of delicious vegetarian snacks for everyone to enjoy , and many guests were amazed that such delicacies could be prepared with purely vegetarian ingredients 許多來賓很驚喜地發現毋須使用任何動物成份,全素的材料竟也可以烹調出如此美味的佳肴。

If paint comes into contact with the skin , wash with warm water and / or a suitable cleanser , if paint comes into contact with the eyes , flush with copious amount of water and seek immediate medical attention 如果油漆接觸到皮膚,應用溫水和適當的清洗劑清洗,如果油漆接觸到眼睛,應用大量的水沖洗并立即就醫。

Jablonski in her recent book “ skin . ” “ without plentiful sweat glands keeping us cool with copious sweat , we would still be clad in the thick hair of our ancestors , living largely apelike lives 沒有大量汗腺流出大量汗水來冷卻我們,我們今天仍會和老祖宗一樣渾身覆蓋厚毛皮,過著和大猩猩類似的生活。

His two companions seemed quite unsettled by this story , and as the flames crackled in the hearth they each took a copious mouthful of the brandy that was readily available nearby 另外兩個人聽了他的故事都顯得很不安,壁爐爐膛里傳出噼噼啪啪的木柴燃燒的聲音,他們都拿起身邊的白蘭地,大大地吞了一口。

Common symptoms of colorectal cancer include change in bowel habit diarrhoea , constipation , etc . , blood or copious mucus in stool , vomiting , anaemia and weight loss 結腸直腸癌患者的排泄習慣可能會改變,以致出現腹瀉或便秘等情況,患者亦可能出現糞便帶血或帶有大量分泌黏液嘔吐貧血和體重下降。

Through such endeavours , together with the copious dynastic histories and district records , china has had no “ dark ages “ in the evolution of its 5000 - year old civilisation 因為有這一方面的努力,加上豐富的歷代斷代史和方志,中國在5000年文化的演變過程中,未曾有過一個“黑暗時代” 。

Through such endeavours , together with the copious dynastic histories and district records , china has had no dark ages in the evolution of its 5000 - year old civilisation 因為有這一方面的努力,加上豐富的歷代斷代史和方志,中國在5000年文化的演變過程中,未曾有過一個“黑暗時代” 。

The efficient conversion of mass into energy by friction in the accretion disk of a black hole seems to be the only explanation for the copious amounts of energy generated by such objects 在黑洞增大圓盤片靠摩擦質量有效轉化為能量好像只能解釋靠這樣的物體產生的大量能量。