
copilot n.【航空】副駕駛員;自動駕駛儀。


I am 300 miles from land , 600 feet over water . i am running out of fuel . also , my engine is on fire ; my instruments are having trouble , and my copilot is having a heart attack 有個人有一座漂亮的花園,里面種了各式各樣的奇花異草,不過,有個問題,就是他的鄰居總是放任他養的雞到處亂跑,闖進花園里,把植物的根挖起來,吃掉花園里的花,搞得亂七八糟。

Southern airline incurred flies central director zeng xiangrong to introduce that pilot ' s professional profession divided into three stages , namely flying cadet , copilot , aircraft commander 南航招飛中心主任曾祥榮介紹,飛行員的職業生涯分為三個階段,即飛行學員、副駕駛、機長。

Just keeping it steady . i was in the right seat , my copilot , lt . j . g 我坐在右駕駛座,我的副駕駛,維涅里上尉坐在左駕駛座。

Call me copilot steve 叫我副駕駛施蒂夫

And the copilot of my plane 是我飛機上的副駕駛

Copilot remote - assistance is free for mother s day - wired news 處理有沖勁的基督徒- tracy新聞

Copilot , actually . - yeah . i don ' t know that one 副駕駛,準確點說-噢,我不知道那家公司

- copilot , actually . - yeah . i don ' t know that one -副駕駛,準確點說-噢,我不知道那家公司

Copilot remote - assistance is free for mother s day 10個假日銷售要訣:怎么獲利在季節