
copernicus Copernicus , Nicolaus 哥白尼〔14...


Based on the preliminary research of the japanese scholar ogawa haruhisa , this article further affirms and supplements the above material according to two pieces of material recently found , for example , the earliest time of wang baijia “ s definite account of the heliocentric theory proposed by copernicus , his view of the theory , and some possible channels for its spread into china 該文在日本學者小川晴久初步研究的基礎上,根據新發現的兩條史料對此作了進一步的確證和補充,如:黃百家明確介紹哥白尼日心地動說的最早時間、黃百家關于哥白尼日心地動說的見解以及哥白尼日心地動說傳入我國的幾條可能途徑等。

Galileo strongly fought against the traditional ideas of the aristotle ' s theories , and he formed the thought of identity , continuance and dialectical materialism in course of his scientific research . he had written the book dialogue concerning the two chief world systems - ptolemaic and copernican to refute the theory that the earth was static , and push the copernicus “ revolution forward by protecting and advocating the cosmic principle of copernicus ; he get many scientific theories by making a thorough study of motion , so provided the materials need of which newton was ; he applied the scientific method firstly in history of science which combined mathematical inference with experience and observation organically , and entrusted modern meaning to some old - time methods , so advanced the development of scientific knowledge greatly and began the history of modern physics 伽利略強烈反對亞里士多德式的傳統思維觀念,在長期深入的運動研究中發展了同一性和連續性思想,以及把物質性質劃分為兩類的機械唯物主義思想;他著書立說駁斥“地靜說” ,捍衛和宣揚“地動日心”的宇宙結構,推動了“哥白尼革命” ;他深入研究運動,獲得大量科學理論,為牛頓綜合提供了豐富的材料;他在科學史上首次使用數學演繹與觀察實驗有機結合的科學方法,并賦予一些古老研究方法以現代含義,大大推進了科學認識的發展,開創了現代物理學歷史。

This paper briefly outlines the finding of irregularities of the lunar apparent motion & the lunar theories in history in the western world , and emphatically introduces copernicus ' s method for ascertaining numerical parameters and his lunar theory , which were adopted by xinfa suanshu 摘要在簡要介紹月亮視運動各種差的基礎上,重建《新法算書》所載哥白尼月亮模型及其確定幾何參數方法。

Thus we can see that what ancient indian astronomers say comes close to the heliocentric theory of gravitation , which was a thousand years later articulated by copernicus and galileo inviting severe reactions from the clergy in rome 因此,我們可以看到古代印度天文學家所說的接近由地心吸力而來的日心說,一千年之后的哥白尼和伽俐略卻受到來自羅馬教會的激烈反應。

Aryabhatta s ideas about eclipses and the sun being the source of moonlight may not have caused much of an impression on european astronomers as by then they had come to know of these facts through the observations of copernicus and galileo 阿雅巴塔有關日蝕和太陽是月亮的光源這些思想在歐洲天文學家中沒有引起很大注意,因為他們是從哥白尼和伽俐略得知這些的。

To the champions of the laws of copernicus and newton , to voltaire , for instance , it seemed that the laws of astronomy were destructive of religion , and the latter made use of the law of gravity as a weapon against religion 在保衛哥白尼和牛頓定律的人們看來,例如在伏爾泰看來,似乎天文學的法則摧毀了宗教,于是他利用萬有引力定律作為反對宗教的工具。

For example , in1543 as a time when most people believed that the sun and the planets circled around the earth , a man named copernicus suggested that the earth and the other planets revolved around the sun 例如,在1543年,就在大多數人相信太陽和其他行星是繞地球運轉的時候,有一個叫哥白尼的人卻提出,地球和其他行星是繞太陽運轉的。

The first revolution happened when nicolaus copernicus no longer saw the earth as a motionless point at the centre of the universe but as moving in “ revolutions ” , or circles , around the sun 當尼古拉斯?哥白尼不再把地球看作是宇宙中心一個靜止不動的點,而是圍繞太陽作旋轉運動,或者可以說是繞著太陽轉圈時,第一場革命爆發了。

Viewers will learn how the views of aristotle , copernicus , galileo and keppler were both right and wrong , and how each successive solar explorer dramatically changed the world s view 觀眾可以藉此了解亞里士多德哥白尼伽利略和開普勒對太陽正確和錯誤的觀點,以及他們如何繼往開來地大大改變人們對太陽的看法。

Ever since the law of copernicus was discovered and proved , the mere recognition that not the sun , but the earth moves , has destroyed the whole cosmography of the ancients 自從哥白尼體系被發現和證實以后,僅僅承認太陽不會運轉,而是地球運轉這一事實,就足以破除古人的全部宇宙觀了。

He was the originator of the expression , “ knowledge is power . “ he was quite taken up by the “ materialist “ theories and the resultant discoveries of both copernicus and galileo 他是“知識就是力量”這一說法的創始人。他對哥白尼和伽利略兩位的“唯物主義”理論及其結論探索頗感興趣。

The new definition of what is - - and isn ' t - - a planet fills a centuries - old black hole for scientists who have labored since copernicus without one 對于那些從沒有行星定義的哥白尼時代起就孜孜不倦的科學家而言,關于什么是或不是一顆行星的新的定義填補了一個歷史悠久的黑洞。

Clockwise from top left is a collage of kepler , copernicus , newton , galileo , descartes , and ptolemy . ( images courtesy of the library of congress and nasa 從左上順時鐘方向依序為:克卜勒,哥白尼,牛頓,伽利略,笛卡兒,托勒密。 (圖片來源:美國國會圖書館及美國太空總署。 )

The new definition of what is - - and isn ' t - - a planet fills a centuries - old black hole for scientists who have labored since copernicus without one 新的定義對于什么是行星,什么不是行星是? ?一顆行星填補了一個歷史久遠的黑洞,除了哥白尼后沒有科學家如此謹慎。

But considering that aryabhatta discovered these facts 1 , 500 years ago , and 1 , 000 years before copernicus and galileo makes him a pioneer in this area too 考慮到阿雅巴塔在1 , 500年前就發現了這些事實,比哥白尼和伽俐略早1 , 000 ,他也是這個領域的先鋒。

The new definition of what is - - and isn ' t - - a planet fills a centuries - old black hole for scientists who have labored since copernicus without one 對于行星的最新定義填補了一個世紀之久的空白,自哥白尼時代起,科學家就已致力于此。

The new definition of what is - - and isn ' t - - a planet fills a centuries - old black hole for scientists who have labored since copernicus without one 對于這行星的最新定義填補了自哥白尼時代起,科學家就已致力于此的長久空白, 。

Starting with copernicus , modern science , after being greatly contributed by johann kepler , galileo , reached its glorious age by the time of isaac newton 近代自然科學以哥白尼為標志,經過開普勒、伽利略,到牛頓發展到頂峰。

The new definition of what is - - and isn ' t - - a planet fills a centuries - old black hole for scientists who have labored since copernicus without one 新定義填補了自哥白尼提出日心說之后幾個世紀以來一直沒有行星定義的空白。