
copernican adj.哥白尼(學說)的。

copernican theory

Galileo strongly fought against the traditional ideas of the aristotle ' s theories , and he formed the thought of identity , continuance and dialectical materialism in course of his scientific research . he had written the book dialogue concerning the two chief world systems - ptolemaic and copernican to refute the theory that the earth was static , and push the copernicus “ revolution forward by protecting and advocating the cosmic principle of copernicus ; he get many scientific theories by making a thorough study of motion , so provided the materials need of which newton was ; he applied the scientific method firstly in history of science which combined mathematical inference with experience and observation organically , and entrusted modern meaning to some old - time methods , so advanced the development of scientific knowledge greatly and began the history of modern physics 伽利略強烈反對亞里士多德式的傳統思維觀念,在長期深入的運動研究中發展了同一性和連續性思想,以及把物質性質劃分為兩類的機械唯物主義思想;他著書立說駁斥“地靜說” ,捍衛和宣揚“地動日心”的宇宙結構,推動了“哥白尼革命” ;他深入研究運動,獲得大量科學理論,為牛頓綜合提供了豐富的材料;他在科學史上首次使用數學演繹與觀察實驗有機結合的科學方法,并賦予一些古老研究方法以現代含義,大大推進了科學認識的發展,開創了現代物理學歷史。

However the prediction of this model is about as good as the ptolemaic , the copernican model was not commonly accepted at that time 可惜的是,日心說預測天體運動的準確性和地心說只是不相伯仲,并未為當時的人普遍接受。

Provided we make on further assumption , the copernican principle leads to a rather similar universe model 如果我們作出進一步的假設,哥白尼原理會導致一個相當類似的宇宙模式。

The authority for this new copernican revolution derives , as of the old , from hard scientific evidence 這次新的哥白尼式的解放,其真實性依舊來自于確鑿的科學證據。

The field has enjoyed its own quiet copernican revolution in recent years 最近幾年,該領域獨自安靜地經歷了哥白尼式的改革。

Because he was a copernican advocate 因為他是哥白尼學說的擁護者