
copepod n.【動物;動物學】橈腳亞綱的動物。


Using the seawater dilution technique , microzooplankion grazing impact on phytoplankton was experimentally studied in xiamen prawn cultivated pond and xiamen west harbor . copepod gut pigment contents were measured and the feeding of acartia pacme was studied . the grazing pressure of microzooplankton on phytoplankton and its excretion of nitrogen derived from phytoplankton were estimated 2000 - 2002年,在廈門杏林蝦池和廈門西港采用海水稀釋法進行了微型浮游動物對浮游植物攝食壓力的研究,測定了廈門西港不同體長組浮游橈足類的腸色素并在實驗室進行了太平洋紡錘水蚤攝食實驗。

Copepod feeding activities and their grazing impacts on the phytoplankton biomass and primary production were studies by the gut fluorescence method in the coastal waters of china ( the bohai sea , yellow sea , east china sea , laizhou bay and weihe estuary ) and the southern ocean ( the prydz bay and its adjacent area ) 本文利用腸道色素法,對我國近海(渤海、黃海、東海、萊州灣、濰河口)和南大洋(普里茲灣及鄰近海域)浮游橈足類在自然海區的攝食狀況及其對浮游植物及初級生產力的攝食壓力進行了研究。

During vertical migration , the copepod is assumed to instantaneously check the variations of the environmental parameters and can thereby make the optimal behavioral strategy to maximize the value of venturous revenue , i . e . , taking up as much food as possible at as less cost of mortality as possible 在垂直遷移的過程中,我們假設橈足類個體能夠即時識別環境參數的變化從而采取最優的行為策略以獲取風險收益的最大值,即以盡可能小的死亡代價獲取盡可能多的食物。

In the summer stratified water column , the deeper the maximum depth of food distribution is , the stronger the dvm is performed ; the increase of the gradient of temperature in the thermocline layer can decrease the magnitude of the dvm and form the thermal barricade to the copepod ; the effects of the predation pressure on dvm is complex . on the one hand , the variations in the distribution depth of the predation pressure vs . the thermocline layer or the depth of the maximum food can modify the dvm patterns of the copepod . on the other hand , different predation pressure induces different dvm patterns 在夏季分層水體中,食物的最大分布深度越大,動物向下遷移的幅度也越大;溫躍層的溫度梯度增大可以減小動物遷移的幅度,成為橈足類垂直遷移的溫度屏障;捕食壓力對垂直遷移的影響較復雜,一方面,捕食壓力的分布深度與溫躍層或食物峰值的相對位置的變化能夠改變橈足類垂直遷移的模式,另一方面,捕食壓力強度不同,橈足類垂直遷移的幅度也不同,捕食壓力越大,遷移的幅度越大,當捕食壓力增加到一定程度,橈足類停止向上的遷移,大部分時間呆在水體深層,可能進入捕食壓力引起的“滯育”狀態。

There were significant correlation between md and abundance of nematode ( p < 0 . 05 ) and weak negative correlation among water depth and numbers of meiofauna , nematode and copepods ( p > 0 . 05 ) . biomass spectra , the biomass distribution over a sequence of the body size intervals , provide dynamic information about the relationships among components in ecosystem 小型底棲動物、海洋線蟲和橈足類的豐度和生物量與環境因子進行pearson相關性分析,結果顯示海洋線蟲的豐度與沉積物的中值粒徑相關性顯著( p 0 . 05 ) 。

But the gut evacuation rates did not vary with the experimental temperature and body size . copepods usually performed feeding rhythms with maximum level at midnight and their feeding activities changed with the tide rhythms at the estuary area . in the laizhou bay , the daily grazing rate of the copepod population on phytoplankton was 20 . 81 ? 98 . 35 % of the primary production and 2 . 53 ? 6 . 36 % of the phytoplankton standing stock in summer 現場測得的橈足類攝食率結果表明,在萊州灣,夏季橈足類群體的日攝食量占初級生產力的20 . 81 ? 98 . 35 % ,占浮游植物現存量的2 . 53 ? 6 . 36 % ,濰河口,河口外浮游動物優勢種群體的日攝食量占初級生產力的32 . 28 % ,占浮游植物現存量的14 . 12 % ,河口內對初級生產力的攝食壓力< 3 % ,日攝食量小于浮游植物現存量的1 % 。

A model is developed to analyze the tradeoff between benefits and costs involved in the strategies for the normal dvm of copepod . the venturous revenue is used as the criterion for this optimal tradeoff . it is a function of the environmental factors and the age of copepod 本文提出一個橈足類常規的晝夜垂直遷移模型,以分析橈足類在垂直遷移的決策過程中對利益和風險的權衡機制,風險收益被用來作為這種權衡機制的優化目標,它是環境因子和橈足類年齡的函數。

The dvm behavior of the copepod is controlled by multi - factors . the diversified migrating patterns show that copepod is the active decision - maker , which can achieve the optimal food intake during its avoiding predation by performing the normal dvm ; 2 足類的晝夜垂直遷移行為是由多因子控制的,其遷移模式的多樣性表明,橈足類是主動的決策者,通過識別環境因子的變化,橈足類借助于常規的晝夜垂直遷移在逃避捕食壓力的同時能夠實現最優的食物攝取量; 2

The seasonal variation in diel egg production in winter - spring with lower temperature of seawater the copepods tended to lay in night , while in summer with higher temperature of seawater they tended to lay in daytime . that is , it showed the seasonal variation in diel egg production of model 晝夜產卵量的季節變化在溫度較低的冬春季廈門海區的瘦尾胸刺水蚤雌體趨于夜間產卵,而在溫度較高的夏季趨于日間產卵,呈現出季節性晝夜產卵模式。

I would also like to thank you for the support and sponsorship of the pre - conference workshop on copepod systematics and biology , held at the national museum of marine biology & aquarium ( nmmba ) in kenting 同時我也要對于會前于國立海洋生物博物館所舉辦的橈足類生物與系統分類研習會諸位提供大力的支持及幫助致上最大的敬意。

This paper reviews the development of genetic marker technique and introduces the applications of genetic marker technique to the study of systematics , biodiversity and phylogenetics of marine copepods 摘要研究回顧遺傳標記技術的發展及其在海洋橈足類分類學、群體遺傳學、系統發育和分子進化研究等方面的應用情況。

3 . food , temperature and predation pressure directly act on the value of venturous revenue and are major environmental factors affecting dvm of the copepod 食物、溫度和捕食壓力直接影響風險收益值的大小,是影響橈足類垂直遷移的主要環境因子。

6 protozoa and copepod nauplius were the most dominant groups , comprising more than 90 % of the total abundance of microzooplankton 6 、膠州灣小型浮游動物以原生動物和無節幼體為主,兩者共占小型浮游動物總數的90以上。

In the bohai sea , the grazing impact on phytoplankton by copepod was equivalent to 11 . 9 % of the chlorophyll - a standing 另外中國近海小型橈足類( 200 - 500 ( m )對整個橈足類群體攝食率的貢獻超過50 % 。

Standard guide for conducting renewal microplate - based life - cycle toxicity tests with a marine meiobenthic copepod 用海洋meiobenthic橈足類甲殼動物進行復原的基于微板的壽命周期毒性試驗的標準指南

Water quality - biological methods - determination of acute lethal toxicity to marine copepods copepoda , crustacea 水質.生物法.海洋橈足亞綱動物橈足目,甲殼綱急性致命毒素的測定

Application of genetic marker technique to the study of systematics , biodiversity and phylogenetics for marine copepods 遺傳標記技術在海洋橈足類生物多樣性和系統發生研究中的應用

Among them , tintinnopsis beroide , t . urnula , t . brevicollis and copepod nauplius were dominant Urnula 、短頸擬鈴蟲和橈足類無節幼體為主要優勢種。

Variation of copepod from maoping to guizhou in the three gorges reservoir before and after impoundment 三峽水庫壩前段蓄水前后橈足類種類組成的變化