
copenhagen n.哥本哈根〔丹麥首都〕。n.-ian 哥本哈根人。


Copenhagen , zurich and tokyo round out the top five , with new york in seventh place globally 位于前五名的另外三個城市為哥本哈根、蘇黎世和東京,紐約名列全球第七。

In europe , copenhagen was voted the best airport , while in north america halifax came in first 哥本哈根機場被選為歐洲最佳機場,在北美則是哈利法克斯機場排名首位。

Br > this contract is for 250 metric tons of groundnuts at rmb1800 per m / t c & amp; f copenhagen 這是一份250噸花生的合同,價格為每公噸哥本哈根成本加運費價1800元。

Copenhagen , zurich and tokyo round out the top five , with new york in seventh place globally 位于前5名的另外3個城市為哥本哈根蘇黎世和東京,紐約名列全球第7 。

This contract is for 250 metric to of groundnuts at rmb1800 per m / t c & ; am am f copenhagen 這是一份250噸花生的合同,價格為每公噸哥本哈根成本加運費價1800元。

With its palaces and gardens , copenhagen hosts more visitors than any other nordic city 由于它的宮殿和公園,哥本哈根比任何其它北歐城市都擁有更多的觀光客。

This contract is for 250 metric tons of groundnuts at rmb1800 per m / t c & amp; f copenhagen 這是一份250噸花生的合同,價格為每公噸哥本哈根成本加運費價1800元。

We take your bags and send them in all directions . - - a sign in a copenhagen airline ticket office 我們把您的行李送到世界各地? ?哥本哈根機場售票處提示。

This contract is for 250 metric to of groundnuts at rmb1800 per m / t c & am f copenhagen 這是一份250噸花生的合同,價格為每公噸哥本哈根成本加運費價1800元。

This contract is for 250 metric tons of groundnuts at rmb1800 per m / t c & f copenhagen 這是一份250噸花生的合同,價格為每公噸哥本哈根成本加運費價1800元。

Answers to these questions can be found if you visit wonderful copenhagen ' s new tourist information 這些問題的答案你都可以在這個新的旅游信息里找到。

“ copenhagen need to win , so they will have to come out and play against us , “ he concluded “哥本哈根需要一場勝利所以他們會壓出來進攻。 ”弗格森說。

Rene meulensteen ' s side are third in the danish superliga , a point off fc copenhagen 雷內-穆倫斯汀的球隊在丹麥聯賽中排位第3 ,和哥本哈根相差1分。

The company is headquartered in copenhagen ( denmark ) and has branches all over the world 公司總部在丹麥的哥本哈根,并在世界各地均設有分支機構。

After the prince told him to learn a trade , hand christian went to copenhagen 在王子告訴他學一門手藝之后,漢斯?克里斯琴去了哥本哈根。

The cabin crews were sent to copenhagen for a six - week training on january 22nd 2006 這批空乘于今年1月22日被送往哥本哈根進行培訓。

Copenhagen go club 哥本哈根圍棋俱樂部

Over the centuries copenhagen has suffered more than its share of disasters 在幾個世紀里,哥本哈根已經遭受了太多的災難。

Tivoli , founded in 1843 , is a world - famous amusement park in downtown copenhagen 建于1843年提沃利是世界聞名的娛樂公園。