
cope 短語和例子cope1vi.1.競爭,抗衡,對抗 (wit...


Different theoretical perspectives in coping research 國外應對研究的不同理論視角

Aan empirical study on college students ' coping process 大學生應對過程的實證分析

It can be handled in the same way that hard problems have been coped with before--piecemeal, pragmatically, by the dogged efforts of many people . 可以用以前對付困難問題的同樣方法來加以處理--通過許多人不懈的努力、一點一點地、從實際效果出發地加以解決。

I was sure that time would be granted to make good the oversights of peace and to cope with the equally certain unpleasant surprises of war . 而且我可以斷言,我們會有時間來彌補和平時期的疏忽,并應付戰爭中國家肯定會發生的不愉快的意外事件。

In coping with the greatest storms on earth, the informed concern of the people is critical in making the most of the scientists . 在對付地球上的最大風暴時,群眾懂行的關注對于充分發揮科學家的測報能力有著舉足輕重的影響。

This stark fact goes so far beyond all previous human experience that no social machinery exists to cope with it . 赤裸裸的事實遠遠超出人類以往所有的經驗以致沒有現存的社會機構對付得了當前的情況。

His second mistake was in the manner in which he sought to cope with the erratic vacillations of his client, the president . 他的第二個錯誤是他為了對付他的總統主顧的變幻無常的脾氣而采取的作法。

Rather, taking heed from columbus, we need a different understanding of the problem which permits us to cope better with it . 我們要重視哥倫布的經驗,需要對問題有新的認識,以便更好地應付它。

Now we must cope with a wide array of environmental pollutants including gases, particulates, sewage and et al . 現在我們必須對付很多種環境污染物,包括氣體、顆粒物、陰溝污物等等。

Since the cope is usually made by flamed cutting, a high residual tensile stress exists along the burned edge . 由于修割工作通常用火焰燒割,沿著燒切邊緣就存著較高的殘余拉應力。

To cope with the growing lawlessness the leading cities now had day police as well as night watchmen . 為了應付不斷增加的不法行為,各大城市現在不但夜晚有看守,白天也有警察。

In this chapter we shall look at how the computer copes with negative numbers and fractions in binary arithmetic . 本章要介紹的是計算機如何用二進制算法來處理負數和小數。

Choosing a strategy to cope with the world, is the first decision young adults have to make . 剛步入成人時期的年青人必須做出的第一個決定就是選擇一個應付這個世界的戰略。

That poor young manali yasuf, i meanwas ill equipped to cope with corruption and treachery . 那個可憐的年輕人我說的是阿里尤素福沒有能力對付腐化和陰謀。

It's quite important to gain the ability to cope successfully with corrosive atmospheres and particles . 很重要的是獲得能夠成功地克服氣體和粒子腐蝕的能力。

I wonder how the other 10 million unemployed are coping with their personal hobgoblins . 在上千萬的失業者中,我不知道別人是怎樣應付他們個人的可怕處境的。

Those variants equip an organism specially well to cope with the exigencies of the environments . 變異使生物體配備得特別完善以應付環境的嚴酷要求。

If we wish, it will also make a second tape exactly coping the one it is reading . 如果需要,它還可準確地復制正在讀的那份紙帶而得到第二根紙帶。

The crack between the coped and hole was removed by air arc and then repaired by welding . 在修割邊和鉆孔之間的裂紋用氣弧消除,然后進行焊補。