
copartner n.合作者;(有平等權利的)合伙人。 -shipn.合作...


Right to an account any partner shall have the right to a formal account as to partnership affairs : if he is wrongfully excluded form the partnership business or possession of its property by his copartners , if the right exists under the terms of any agreement , as provided by section 21 , whenever other circumstances render it just and reasonable 第二十二條對帳目的權利在下列情況下,各合伙人應有權要求查閱關于合伙業務的正式賬簿:如果他被其共同合伙人錯誤地排除在執行合伙業務或對合伙財產的占有之外,如果任何協定的條款已規定了本項權利,根據本法第二十一條的規定,表明享有本項權利是正當和合理的其他情況。

Many countries admits of “ the third civil subject “ , while our country has no the provision . the thesis thinks we can aim at civil subject in the construction of subject system in civil laws , and , integrating the state situations , divide enterprises into copartner , sole - investor enterprise , and branch of corporate body and so on 故它也不是法人,而只能是其他組織。 (三)法人分支機構,分支機構不具備法人資格,但能卻以自己的名義作為民事主體和訴訟主體進行民事活動。 ; (四)籌建中的法人,它與成立后的法人明顯不同,也不同于發起人。

I put forward some problems we must pay attention to in our teaching practice so as to make full use of the information technology . the use of information technology in teaching requires corresponding change in teachers “ role the teacher should be the copartner of the students . we can see the application of information technology can result in the complete change in teaching structure and teaching style 作者通過自已的實踐和思索提出了在教學實踐中應注意的問題,以便真正使信息技術發揮它在分層教學中的作用。指出信息技術在教學中的應用引起師生角色的轉變:教師成為學生學習的“合作者” 。說明了現代信息技術的應用,會引起教學結構和教學過程模式的變革。

Mis supports operation process , management control and strategy decision . the core of the paper analyzes integration relation from the three aspects according mis integration framework , farther explains the key of dynamic integration . it shows newly the relation among enterprise and its provider , client , copartner , competitor and other enterprise 本文的核心部分將從管理信息系統完成事務處理層次,管理控制層次及戰略決策層次等三個管理層次的管理功能的角度出發,搭建管理信息系統集成框架,從不同層次分析管理信息系統內外部間集成關系,進一步說明企業動態集成的關鍵。

Right to an account any partner shall have the right to a formal account as to partnership affairs : if he is wrongfully excluded form the partnership busine or po e ion of its property by his copartners , if the right exists under the terms of any agreement , as provided by section 21 , whenever other circumstances render it just and reasonable 第二十二條對帳目的權利在下列情況下,各合伙人應有權要求查閱關于合伙業務的正式賬簿:如果他被其共同合伙人錯誤地排除在執行合伙業務或對合伙財產的占有之外,如果任何協定的條款已規定了本項權利,根據本法第二十一條的規定,表明享有本項權利是正當和合理的其他情況。

Sue to the court directly : agreement should be in duplicate , that ought to do not have your copartner autograph in your hand , but the another autograph on that agreement of company of illative and oriental meal is hind add ; you can be sued to the court , tell its break a contact , ask its are returned join in administration fee , bear responsibility of breach of contract and your loss 直接向法院起訴:協議書應是一式兩份,你手中的那份應當沒有你合伙人的簽名,可推定東方餐飲公司的那份協議書上的另一簽名是后添加的;你可起訴至法院,訴其違約,要求其退還加盟治理費,并承擔違約責任和你的損失。

Implementing supply chain management ( scm ) and cooperating with copartner is one of the effective approaches in reducing scm cost ( channel cost ) . the aim to implementing scm is to improve scm service , increase copartners “ earning and enhance the degree of copartners “ satisfaction and clients “ faithfulness 實施供應商管理的目的主要是降低供應鏈成本(渠道成本) ,改善供應鏈服務,增加公司和鏈上伙伴的收入,提高合作企業滿意度和客戶的忠誠度。

Further more , the paper also provides some practical advices and common rules about how to integrate ecommerce and traditional channels of business and how to choose isp and other copartners to efficiently realize the website 同時本文也提供了有關如何整合傳統商務和電子商務的商業渠道及如何選擇網絡服務提供商和其它合作伙伴以便有效地設計和實現網站等問題的一些實用的建議和通用標準。

This exhibition in shang hai , for businessmen at home and abroad , provides an exchange platform , by which businessmen can take this rare opportunity to present their corporate images and expand markets , except making the acquaintance of copartners and creation of business opportunity 本屆展覽會為國內外商家搭建國際貿易平臺;在展示企業形象、拓展市場同時,尋求合作伙伴和發展商機。

Most of managers , copartners and employees of khwa have been working in multi - country companies and large local enterprises , owning profound knowledge as well as erp / crm / bi consulting in industries like power , manufacturing , wholesale and service 她的決策層、合伙人和員工均來自國內外著名的咨詢公司、軟件公司,擁有在電力、制造、零售、服務業等多個行業的成功企業信息化應用經驗。

It discusses how to apply the theory of organizing ve to practice and affords a significative reference for the theory of building and managing ve by the realization of system of selecting copartner based on j2ee 如何將虛擬企業組建過程的理論應用于實踐,論文做了有意義的探討,并通過基于jzee的虛擬企業合作伙伴選擇系統的實現,為虛擬企業的構建與管理等理論提供了借鑒。

As to the apportion of original underwriter and reinsurance person responsibility , all decide by reinsurance contract , the amount that endowment specified number decides about in liking partnership contract decides the size of copartner responsibility 至于原保險人與再保險人責任的分攤,均由再保險合同決定,如同合伙合同中約定出資額的多寡決定合伙人責任的大小。

In current in effect laws of our country , there are some sporadic regulations about the preemptive right of renter , part owner , copartner and shareholder , but have n ' t formed an uniform legal system about it 我國現行法律中有房屋承租人先買權、共有人先買權、合伙人先買權、股東先買權等具體先買權的分散規定,但迄未形成統一的先買權法律制度。

How to assemble the appropriate copartners to organize virtual enterprise in the shortest time , with the least cost and venture becomes an important problem which the manufacture enterprises and experts must resolve 如何快速、低成本、低風險的集中最優的合作伙伴組建虛擬企業,便成為制造企業、專家學者所必須解決的首要問題。

The project hope to take capital as bond , collaborate with copartner to enlarge the platform of logistics base , develop logistics base and electron logistics and co - exploit domestic logistics market 該項目希望以資本為紐帶,與合作者共同做深物流平臺,進行基地復制和發展電子物流,共同開發內地物流市場。

The project hope to take capital as bond , collaborate with copartner to enlarge the platform of logistics base , develop logistics base and electron logistics and co - exploit domestic logistics market 規劃占地面積460畝,總建筑面積約40多萬平方米,總投資約10億元人民幣,計劃在3年內全部建成。

At the same time analysis and design the components of the system using uml . according to the data integrity for the copartner , give the xml - based data integrity architecture 對于企業數據集成與交互,給出了基于xml的數據集成服務,作為為開發平臺的數據服務的增強。

Then sets forth three import ways about logistics strategic programming : customer service level making , strategic place and copartners choice 然后詳細闡述了鐵路工程物資企業物流戰略規劃的三個重要方面:確定客戶水平、戰略選址和合作伙伴的選擇。

To content with our different clients demand , we will design excellent products constantly , cooperate and develop with our copartners 我們將繼續努力開拓優良的產品。確保和我們公司的合作者能和我們一起共同發展。