
cop 短語和例子cop1n.1.紡錘狀線團,管紗;紆子。2.〔...

cop shop

David i pretty much burned through the stash i copped from moon 我跟夢玩得太過火了

There ' s a reai , iive , active - duty cop outside - 外頭有個真正活生生的現任條子

You ' ll get me shot , cop , asking to tail like that 要我那樣跟蹤,你會害我中槍的,條子

Cops can ' t prove l killed anyone . - you had motive 他們沒證據證明我殺人. -你有動機

There ' s a real , live , active - duty cop outside - 外頭有個真正活生生的現任條子

Look , wise guy . leave or i ' ll call the cops 喂,放聰明點兒,走開!不然我要報警了。

The retired arthritic cops always get that shift 那班次都是些關節炎退役警官

If i cop you cheating again you ' ll be in trouble 我要再發現你騙人,決不輕饒

The cops are on to ray . they ' re making me wear this 警官在跟蹤瑞他們讓我戴著這個

Local cop : i got a problem with a corpse 當地條子:這出了個問題,有具尸體。

And what about that fuckin , that fuckin transit cop 女:聽到中文唏老土兼落后

Nigga didn t bring the cops , so i guess he was stuck 我也酗畢a等身邊人是心上人

Specifically , the cop you were supposed to take out 正好是那個你本該干掉的條子。

L managed to cop some spanish fly down on the block 我在附近看到有些西班牙人

Listen to me , you got to go to the cops on this one 聽著,你現在只有去自首了

Hey , look , you got 1 5 minutes before i call the cops 嘿,給你15分鐘,然后我報警

L may be a lazy cop , but l ' m still a cop 我也許是個懶惰的巡警但我畢竟還是個巡警

When you get high , man , and you try to cop , 你興奮時,老兄,你就會試著去偷去搶

Did you forget that cop car that traiied them here 你沒忘了有輛追他過來的警車吧