
coot n.1.【鳥類】水鴨,大鷭;〔美國〕黑鴨。2.〔俚、方,...


The number of waterbirds in the ramsar site is counted monthly by the hong kong bird watching society under government subvention . during the period from october 2001 to march 2002 , the total peak count of waterbirds utilising the ramsar site was about 53 , 050 - 4 , 400 ardeids , 19 , 000 anatidaes , 13 , 000 gulls and terns , 10 , 200 shorebirds , 250 rails and coots , and 6 , 200 cormorants 在二零零一年十月至二零零二年三月期間,使用這國際重要濕地的水鳥數目高達53 , 050只當中包括4 , 400只鷺鳥、 19 , 000只野鴨、 13 , 000只海鷗及燕鷗、 10 , 200只涉禽、 250只秧雞及6 , 200只鸕鶿。

Mount coot - tha rotarians raised us $ 2 , 500 for the cost of the equipment , which was equaled by a $ 2 , 500 rotary foundation matching grant 庫薩山的扶輪社員募集2500美元來購買這項設備,同時也獲得一筆同額的扶輪基金會配合獎助金。

In addition , some waterbirds which were extremely common thirty years ago , such as common crane , green - winged teal and coot , were not observed 歷史上較為常見的越冬水鳥,如灰鶴和白骨頂,現在已不見蹤跡。

“ well , tell me you old coot ! what do you want to say ? ” voldemort asked from his throne “好吧,說吧你這個老傻瓜!你要告訴我什么? ”魔王在他的地盤問。

He is only twenty - two years old , but due to a strange disease , he is as bald as a coot 可憐的家伙,他只有歲,可是由于生病,頭頂已經光禿禿了。

He is only twenty - two years old , but due to a strange disease , he is as bald as a coot 他只有22歲,可是由于得了種奇怪的病,頭頂已是光禿禿的了。

Poor man , he is only twenty years old , but owing to illness he is as bald as a coot 可憐的家伙,他只有2 0歲,可是由于生病,頭頂已經光禿禿了。

Poor man , he is only twenty years old , but owing to illness he is as bald as a coot 可憐的家伙,他只有20歲,可是由于生病,頭頂已經光禿禿了。

Jackson worked so hard in his life that he turned out bald as a coot before the age of45 杰克遜一生一直勤奮工作, 45歲前他的頭發就已經掉光了。

She also complained that someone at the shop called her a “ crazy old coot , ” giannini said 她還抱怨說,店里有人稱她為“發瘋的老笨蛋” 。

Bald as a coot 頭頂光禿禿的

Crazy old coot 瘋狂的老白癡

Jon van ness , william murray weiss , and henry gibson as big john coot 瓊范麥斯,威廉默雷威斯還有亨利吉布森飾演大傻瓜約翰

As bald as a coot 頭發脫光的像黑鵝一樣禿

You ' re listening to wxbu , voice of new orleans . i ' m big john coot 這里是新奧爾良之聲, wxbu電臺我是大傻瓜約翰

Big john coot , voice of new orleans . everybody knows that 大傻瓜約翰,新奧爾良之聲電臺人人都知道

Our son came back from the barber ' s shop as bald as coot 我們的兒子從理發店回來,頭發剃得光光的。

After a shot the f coot began to root and shoot in the boot 在槍之后腳對根開始并且穿靴子掠過。

One old coot , they say , was 250 years old 有一個老家伙,他們說他有250歲了