
coordinative adj.(使)同等的,同位的;協調的;配合的;整合的;【...


As an organic entirety , the internal subsystems must collaborate one another , and possess coordinative capacity to cope with environmental change , so as to enhancing efficiency and reducing cost 同時,這種開放系統作為一有機整體,其內部各子系統的機制功能必須相互協調合作,并具備同等的應變能力,才能提高效率、降低成本。

Knowledge sharing becomes essential in that it can add to the knowledge stock of both staffs and enterprises , boost the coordinative development of enterprises and adapt enterprises to the frequent change of markets 知識共享就成為企業內員工之間以及企業之間增加彼此的知識存量,從而協調發展、快速應對市場變化的必要手段。

And , ihe coordinative effect of institutions to the division of labor can be summarized into three categories : property mechanism , competition mechanism and the third party regulating mechanism 制度的作用在于界定經濟主體初始要素投入和分工盈余的產權。制度對分工的協調作用可概括為產權機制、競爭機制和第三方治理機制。

How to convert disaster prevention management methods from closed system where departments , districts , segments , and academic subjects are separate to a comprehensive , systemic and coordinative management system 如何促進災害管理方式由部門、區域、環境、學科相分離的封閉式的單項管理向綜合、系統、協調式的管理方向發展。

Legal coordinative mechanism in the littoral area of bohai is not only an important part of regional coordinative system , but also a necessary system arrangement to realize the economic intergration 摘要環渤海地區法制協調機制既是環渤海地區合作機制的重要組成部分,也是推動并實現環渤海地區經濟一體化的重要制度安排。

This article describes the fundamental concept , main solutions and basic methods , and puts forth four basic principles ; necessity , feasibility , coordinative development and pertinence 摘要闡述了開發環境友好涂料的基本思路,主要措施和基本方法,提出開發環境友好涂料4條基本原則:需要性、可行性、協調發展性和針對性。

Iii : law and morality should be equally regarded , greater efforts be made to enforce legally and establish the coordinative social order , that is , legal order is dominant and moral order the basic 第三,法德兼行,共建秩序。厲行法治,餞行德治,建立以法律秩序為主導、以道德秩序為基礎的相互契合的社會秩序。

The third part especiallly focuses on the index of social return to technonogical innovation . such an index is utilized to measure wehther firms have coordinative efficiency in innovatioan activities 但是,對于是否可用全要素生產率的變化,或者“剩余”來代表技術進步或技術創新,有許多經濟學家對此持否定態度。

But that of supper quiet fixed structure can not be computed only with quiet equilibrium condition , it must be considered the flexible deformed coordinative condition of structure in same time 超靜定結構的支座反力和各截面的內力不能完全出靜力平衡條件叩。地確定,必須考慮結構的彈性變形協調條件確定之。

In consideration of the factors mentioned above , studying the coordinative prinples available to solve intellectdral property rights conflicts and putting these prinples into pratice have great meanings 保護在先權是指在同一客體上存在的多?卜知識產權發生沖突時,按照權利獲取的先后保護在先取得的權利。

The coordinative mechanism of prestress and longitudinal - torsional ultrasonic transducer ' s output is analyzed through the motion of longitudinal - torsional ultrasonic motor 通過對縱扭復合型壓電超聲馬達運行機理的研究,分析了預壓力與縱扭復合型壓電超聲馬達縱扭振子輸出壓電應力協同作用的機理。

We should stick to the way of urbanization with chinese characteristics and the coordinative development of big and medium cities and small towns and improve the level of urbanization gradually 堅持走中國特色的城鎮化道路,堅持大中小城市和小城鎮協調發展,逐步提高城鎮化水平。

We give out the coordinative estimations of signal & noise . this method is applicable for all additive white noises . and it can be used to identify signal simultaneously 給出了信號與噪聲的聯合估計,該方法適用任意加性白噪聲,且可同時對信號進行識別,有一定的普遍意義。

Point out that trading development and environmental protection have consistence , sustainable development is the effective channel of trade and environmental coordinative development 指出貿易發展與環境保護是有相容性的,可持續發展就是貿易與環境協調發展的有效途徑。

But these two values are not coordinative and unified in nature . maybe , they conflict with each other . even worse , they are all lost in the criminal procedure 我國1996刑事訴訟法修訂中也設立了簡易程序,但法律的規定并不盡如人意,亟需改革與完善。

More effort should be made in searching for an administration set - up , more suitable for market - orientated economy and more coordinative with waterway transportation development 為此,應積極探索與市場經濟相適應、與水運業發展相協調的港航管理體制。

Studies on models for coordinative development of natural ecological environment and socio - economy in the regions where natural forest is protected 天然林保護地區自然生態環境與社會經濟協調發展模式研究教育部高等學校博士學科點專項基金項目資助

5 . group decision is an important part of csc w , and the meeting conference coordinative system is the base for group decision 5 、群體決策是cscw的重要組成部分,會議協調系統是實現群體決策的基礎,其中圖形討論是會議協調系統的重要模塊。

It mainly includes enhancing the functions of center city , constructing urban economic network and building the coordinative system of metropolitan area 主要包括提升中心城市作用、建設城市經濟網絡和構建都市圈協調機制等三個方面。