
coordination n.同等,同位,對等;同等關系;調整;配合;協作,協調;...


The coordination of forestry statistics and accounting 論林業統計與會計核算的協調性

Coordination committee meeting on 1 march 2002 統籌委員會會議(二零零二年三月一日)

Standard for modular coordination of factory buildings 廠房建筑模數協調標準

Unified standard for modular coordination of buildings 建筑模數協調統一標準

Coordination chemistry for 99mtc radiopharmaceuticals 放射性藥物中的配位化學

Conflict and coordination between media and judicture 傳媒與司法的沖突與協調

Deputy head of trade investment coordination unit Jacqueline ren貿易投資經理

For the coordination of the main profit centers 主要關于盈利中心的調和運作

Brief analysis body coordination in movement function 淺析身體協調性在運動中的作用

Coordination with operation units and plants 與其他運營單位和工廠保持協調。

Supply chain coordination with complete information 完全信息供應鏈的協調機制

Building constructions - modular coordination - unified standards 建筑模數協調統一標準

Sucessful coordination between uarious specialities 建筑施工中各專業的成功協作方略

Facilitates the coordination of the shipping community 均有助促進航運業界的聯系。

Implies the coordination of hundreds of individuals 預示著成百的個案之間存在的聯系

Classification , coordination and properties of acylhydrazone compounds 配位和性質

Good plan , leadership and coordination skills 具有很強的計劃,領導與協調的能力。

Coordination and implementation of engineering changes 工程改變的協調及補充

Since coordination chemistry towards the 21 配位化學配體中心原子21世紀化學