
coordinate adj.1.同等的,同位的;協調的,配合的;【語法】對等...

coordinate bond

When the exterior normal is opposite to the coordinate axis, then the positive stress components are in the opposite directions of the coordinates . 當外向法線和坐標軸相反時,正的脅強分量就是沿著和坐標軸相反的方向的。

The outputs of these accelerometers are the three coordinates of the inertial velocity of the vehicle with the exception of gravity effects . 這些加速度計的輸出是三個沒有重力影響的飛行器慣性速度座標。

The nine elements of the matrix are products of cosines of angles between the direction of a streamline at a point and the coordinate axis . 這矩陣的9個元素系一點的流線方向和座標軸之間夾角余弦的乘積。

In photographic photometry we use photographic plates of a certain region of the sky to determine the coordinates of the stars . 在照相測光中,我們利用所拍攝的天空某一區域的照相底片來測定恒星的坐標。

They form a three-parametric, orthogonal net and may be chosen as coordinate lines of a special, curvilinear coordinate system . 它們形成三參數正交網,可以把它們選作特殊曲線坐標系的坐標線。

He claims, and is recognized as occupying, a special institutional role with a coordinate sphere of command . 他可以宣稱并被公認為擔當特定的機構角色并擁有與之相稱的發號施令的范圍。

All assets in all elements are efficiently combined and coordinated against a properly selected, common objective . 各要素之所有力量,必須充分地混合協調,以對付一選擇好的共同目的。

The salesmen must coordinate their efforts carefully with other requirements for space in the hotel . 業務員必須認真地把他們招攬來的會議業務與其他需要占用旅館場所的業務協調起來。

precession is of utmost importance since it causes relatively rapid changes in coordinates d and б. 歲差之所以特別重要是因為它引起坐標d和比較迅速的變化。

In other coordinates it will involve second and possibly first derivatives with respect to time . 在別的坐標系中,它除了包含對時間的二階微商外,還可能會包含對時間的一階微商。

Since scalars are independent of the coordinate system, the dot product of two vectors is called a scalar invariant . 因為標量與坐標系無關,故兩個矢量的點積稱為標量不變量。

Each subscript refers to a coordinate which represents the location and direction of a force or of a displacement . 每一腳標指的是代表一個力或一個位移的位置和方向的坐標。

We have mentioned that independence of choice of coordinate axes is an important aspect of the law of physics . 與坐標軸選擇無關,這一性質是物理學定律的一個重要方面。

The main idea of coordinate geometry was not eagerly seized upon by mathematicians for many reasons . 由于種種原因,使坐標幾何的主要思想沒有被數學家熱情地接受。

How does the body coordinate these components into the finely blended mixture we call blood ? 人體怎樣把這些成分調配成我們稱之為血液的組合得很精細的混合物呢?

In depicting reaction coordinates it is more customary to plot the free energy on the vertical axis . 在繪畫反應坐標圖時,較通行的是把自由能畫在縱軸上。

Capital i stands for the number of protons in the nucleus, and small z is the z coordinate of the electron . 大寫I代表核中質子數,小寫z是電子的z坐標。

For a system, hamiltonian is invariant under any translation of spatial coordinates . 對于一體系,哈密算符在任何空間坐標變換下是不變的。

In many cases sample coordinates are recorded on an orthogonal grid coordinate system . 在多數情況下,樣品坐標記錄在正交網絡坐標系。