
cooperator n.合作[協作]者;合作社社員。


The teacher then should take three main roles : first , as a facilitator who supports children to finish socialization ; second , as a cooperator who helps children to solve problems in the socialization process ; third , as a torchbearer who enlightens children on culture 幼兒園教師作為社會化代理承擔著三種角色:幼兒社會性發展的促進者、幼兒社會化過程中的合作者、文化知識的啟蒙者。

The interface of cscl system is human - human interaction interface ( abbr . hhii ) . it is medium and interface of cooperator for interaction , which offers cooperator the environment of cooperation Cscl系統的界面是人-人交互界面( human - humaninteractioninterface ,簡稱hhii ) ,它是協作者交互的媒介,是群體中人與人之間交互的接口,并為協作者提供了協同工作的環境。

The theory of the constructivism learning suggests that math education is a mathematical recognition structure constructing teaching process . the teacher should become a promoter , instructor and cooperator in the students “ learning activities 建構主義學習理論認為,數學教學是“數學認知結構建構的教學” ,教師應當成為學生學習活動的促進者、指導者、合作者。

When the society and economy keep on developing , the immigrant should not be excluded out by the mainstream in the local society as invader or appendix , because the status of cooperator is more and more obvious 當社會、經濟不斷向縱深發展時,外來人群已不該被當作“入侵者”或“依附者”而排除在當地主流社會之外,其“合作者”的身份正在日顯突出。

The teachers ' roles are changed from the sole knowledge instructors to organizers , guiders and cooperators of mathematics learning activity , and modern teaching method and technology are applied in classroom teaching 教師的角色應從單一的知識傳授者,向學習活動的組織者、引導者和合作者轉換,并且把現代化的教學手段和技術應用到課堂教學之中。

On the base of these two questions , we can get the new role relocation of elementary teachers : the facilitator of students development , the cooperator of teaching action , the participator of curriculum development 在這兩個問題基礎上得出新時期小學教師角色的新定位:學生成長的促進者、教學活動的合作者、課程發展的參與者。

Being a professional promoting company with global vision , our reliable and credible promotion strategy and original client proof plan will ensure our cooperator and client to success 作為放眼全球的專業教育推廣機構之一,我們的可靠而可信的市場推廣模式和獨到的客戶保證計劃將保證我們的合作伙伴和接受我們服務的學子取得成功。

While the implementation of phase 1 and 2 was conducted by researchers , the implementation of phase 3 is being carried out by farmer cooperators . researchers only serve as facilitators during phase 3 第一期和第二期是由研究人員來實施的,而第三期正在由農民協作者進行實施。在第三期中,研究人員僅在農民實施中給農民提供服務。

Our company have good reputatin , perfect sailing network and form position of stength in the center of south china . looking for cooperator in mecuhanieal field and hope you , who have the same ambition to join us 我公司在中南地區有良好的信譽,完善的銷售網絡,雄厚的實力,現在國內外機械行業尋求合作伙伴,歡迎有志之士加盟。

The management concept of vivo . dalian breaks the original form that takes the marketplace as the focus , but regards the credit - the relationship between customers , cooperators and vivo as the leading point 入夜時分,燈火輝煌,煙花爆竹照亮天空,大型激光表演讓整個城市為之興奮。這里將成為青島市新興的副中心區。

He third - class awards for scientific and technological advancement issued by the ministry of education . the title is “ the study of photorefractive nonlinear optics and its applications “ . ( the sixth cooperator , 1996 ) 1 、 1996年度國家教委科技進步三等獎(第六完成人) ,獲獎題目為“光折變非線性及其應用研究” 。

In 1998 vedyayev and cooperators calculated giant - magnetoresistance of multi - layer sandwich structure and spin - valve structure by using the linear response kubo formula and green function technology 1998年vedyayev等人運用這個線性響應的kubo公式和格林函數技術計算了多層膜三明治結構和自旋閥結構的巨磁電阻。

He first - class municipal award for natural science in tianjin . the title is “ studies on three - dimentional photorefractive storage materials and devices “ , ( the eighth cooperator , 2001 ) 2 、 2001年度天津市自然科學一等獎(第八完成人) ,獲獎題目為“三維光折變存儲材料及其存儲器的研究” 。

Article 10 a chinese or foreign cooperator in running a school may contribute with funds , in kind or in forms of land - use right , intellectual property rights or other assets to establish the school 第十條中外合作辦學者可以用資金、實物、土地使用權、知識產權以及其他財產作為辦學投入。

This paper based on the previous achievement , and researched in frequency synchronization . it has get obvious promotion the performance index of radio in testing with cooperator 本文在電臺以前的基礎上,通過對跳頻部分的改進使系統的指標得到了明顯的改善,成功的通過了合作方的測試。

With favorable ecological environment and abundant labor resources , tongzhou is an ideal place for people of insight , a perfect location for investors and an honest partner for cooperators 通州生態環境良好,勞動力資源豐富,是有識者的用武之地,投資者的理想場所,合作者的良好伙伴。

The stakeholder consists country , society , students , staff , alumnae & alumni , research funds supplier , cooperators of production , learning and research , loan supplier , and so on 大學的利益相關者包括國家、社會、學生、教職工、校友、大學科研經費提供者、產學研合作者、貨款提供者等。

Our mission is to provide much better service for customers while owning more customers and cooperators , to create a mutual win - win business cooperation between customers and us 公司的宗旨,是為了公司在擁有更多客戶群體與合作伙伴的同時,也為客戶提供更完善的服務,共創雙贏。

The article emphasizes that the cooperators should strive for the support of the government . a wise government is the key of the development of the cooperatives 文章最后強調了合作人應積極爭取政府對合作的支持,能否得到一個明智政府的支持是合作社發展的關鍵。