
cooperative adj.1.合作的,協作的,共同的。2.合作社的。3.〔...


They are trying to adopt a more cooperative posture 他們正試圖采取更為合作的態度。

Three swarms cooperative particle swarm optimization 三群協同粒子群優化算法

Thank you . i ' ll tell you what i mean by cooperative 謝謝你.我告訴你們,他們很聽話

Tianjin style of the reform of china rural credit cooperatives 農信社改革的天津路徑

Precautions against credit risk of city credit cooperative 城市信用社的信貸風險防范

Core of a repeated n - person stochastic cooperative game 人隨機合作對策的核心

How to organize cooperative study in politics class 思想政治課怎樣組織課堂合作學習

Depending on different cooperative methods 投資音像城根據合作方式不同而定。

Meditation on ideology from the cooperative perspective 沿著合作的向度思考意識形態

Multidisciplinary cooperative design for complex products 復雜產品的多領域協同設計

New regionalism and the cooperative security in east asia 新地區主義與東亞合作安全

Application of cooperative learning in english teaching 合作學習在英語課堂上的運用

On the predicament in shanghai cooperative organization 試論上海合作組織面臨的困境

I ' m very cooperative and have good teamwork spirit 我能與別人合作,富有團隊精神。

This paper works out the cooperative analysis procedure 編制協同分析程序。

Discussion on the reform of rural credit cooperatives system 論農村信用社制度改革

Cost allocation methods based on cooperative games 關于成本分攤的合作博弈方法

On the trust mechanism among cooperative enterprises 合作企業間的信任實現機制研究

The measurement of cooperative and competitive personality 合作與競爭人格傾向測量