
cooperant adj.合作的。


At the same time , differen t arrays of electrodes have been studied . flow visualization has shown that the plasma between symmetric streamwise electrode strips ca n ' t induce flow velocity at the same phrase driving but can at multi - phrase driving , and asymmetric streamwise eledtrode strips can induce flow velocity both at the same phrase and at multi - phrase driving in still air . in principle , the experimental results correspond to that of the cooperant research between university of tennessee and nasa langley research center 流動顯示實驗表明,在一個大氣壓下,對于電極對稱分布的情況,在同相位的射頻激勵下,靜止的空氣中沒有明顯的現象,而在多相位射頻激勵下,靜止空氣中的二維平板上可以產生推力,誘導了流場;對于電極的非對稱分布的情況,在同相位或多相位的射頻激勵下,都能在二維平板上產生推力,并誘導流場。

The following are the main achievements : distributed network measurement and analysis infrastructure ( dnmai ) , the cooperant result of all the researchers of our workgroup , is discussed in detail , and also the important status of the network intrusion detection and network vulnerability analysis in dnmai 研究成果如下:系統地介紹了本項目組全體成員共同創作的一種分布式網絡測量與分析基礎架構dnmai ( distributednetworkmeasurementandanalysisinfrastructure )及網絡入侵檢測系統和網絡脆弱性分析系統在其中的重要地位和作用。

Compared with other knowledge , cooperant study appeared lack and some research work have not shown enough depth , it is necessary to form the research base and specialist in some colleges and universities , the research works in the field of textile should be develop in a planned way 經過與其他學科的對比分析,認為我國高校紡織科學研究的合作活動開展不夠,影響了科學研究的深度,有必要加強高校紡織科學研究基地建設,有組織、有計劃地開展紡織高新技術的研究,并盡快在高校產生一批有影響的專家學者。

New cooperant medical treatment at huanren county 新型農村合作醫療在桓仁